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💠 The official channel of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (as) _ English department You can find us in other platforms too; http://zil.ink/imamrezaen Admin: @RazaviServant
مشاهده در ایتا
💠 A man of the heavens has traveled back home, And light has descended upon the earth, The seven heavens greet him with joy, A celebration in honor of his worth. ✍️ Binte Ali 📸 Mohammad Rahmati 🆔 Follow NOW: @ImamRezaEN 📲 +989338604490
💠 Just a Few Steps to the Spring Part one: Five Keywords of Istighfar 🎙 Sayyid RouhAllah Hussaini Watch online on our YouTube 🆔 Follow NOW: @ImamRezaEN 📲 +989338604490
💠 Amal of the 27th of Rajab It is one of the great Eids, marking the day of the Prophet's (p) mission and Gabriel's (as) descent with the message. The recommended acts on this day include: 1. Performing ghusl (ritual purification bath). 2. Fasting. This day is one of the four days of the year specifically designated for fasting, and fasting on this day is equivalent to fasting for seventy years. 3. Increasing the recitation of Salawat (blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (p) and his family). الّلهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ و عَجّل فَرَجَهم 4. Ziyarah of the Prophet (s). 5. Ziyarah of Imam Ali (as) 6. A 12 Rak'a prayer as is mentioned HERE. https://www.duas.org/rajab27.htm 📚 Mafatih al-Jinan, Amal of the day of Mab'ath 📸 Aliakbar shishechi 🆔 Follow NOW: @ImamRezaEN 📲 +989338604490