🏴 سید حسن نصرالله، قليلُ المؤونةِ، كثير المَعونةِ
🔰 سید شهید عزیز، انقلابی ترین انسانی بود که میشناختم. او بر خلاف بسیاری از ما که دم از مکتب امام خمینی و رهبری آقا میزنیم تنها از سرمایه این مکتب نمیخورد بلکه سرمایه سازی میکرد. اگر ما همه به آبروی انقلاب اسلامی مستظهریم، او برای انقلاب آبرو میساخت.
او زبان رسا و گویای انقلاب اسلامی در جهان عرب بود. جهانی که ما هیچ رسانه و ادبیاتی برای مخاطبه با آن نداشته ایم. او ایران را توضیح میداد، پروژه ولایت فقیه در منطقه را تبیین میکرد. نشان میداد در تاریخ ۸۰ ساله گذشته فقط مکتب اهل بیت آن هم با انقلاب خمینی است که توانسته مقابل مستکبران بایستد.
او سالها از مرز جریان مقاومت محافظت کرد. جانش کف دستش بود هیچ روزی به حیات فردای خود مطمئن نبود سالها به راحتی به زیر آفتاب نرفت و مجبور بود رنج زندگی در خفا را به جان بخرد. ایام عمرش با تحمل داغ عزیزانش گذشت اما لبخند مسحورکننده اش را هرگز از ما دریغ نکرد.
او بر خلاف هزاران تریبون کم خاصیت در کشور ما که جملات رهبری را عیناً و با لکنت و ضعف تکرار میکنند با قدرت از امام خامنه ای سخن میگفت و مخاطب عرب خود را که از ایران برایش هیولا ساخته بودند با مسیر این انقلاب همراه میکرد. او نه تنها بر خلاف گفته اعداء هزینه ای برای ما نداشت بلکه مطلقا معونه و کمک بود.
او انگار در عالمی فراتر از ما زندگی میکرد برای ما اسطوره بود، اسطوره زنده. خدا میخواست در این دوره جلوه ای از اصحاب ثابت قدم اهل بیت را در قامت این بزرگان نشانمان دهد.
نگاه به شمایل او، زندگی و سلوک مجاهدانه او و در نهایت شهادت او، برای انسان حقارت می آورد، از آنچه در زندگی کرده و نکرده ایم متنفر میکند و تعفن دنیایی که در آن غرقیم را به مشاممان می رساند.
او سرباز حقیقی خامنه ای بود... و این برای خود او بزرگترین افتخار...
هنیئا لک یا سیدی ... نلت ما تمنیت
هدایت شده از مناهج 🇵🇸🇮🇷
🌀 ضرورت جهاد مالی و حمایت از لبنان
📝 با توجه به فتوای امام خامنهای کمک به حزبالله و جبهه مقاومت بر همهی ما واجب است
قدم اول: کمک مالی
بهترین و مطمئنترین راه کمک به جبهه مقاومت، پایگاه اطلاع رسانی دفتر رهبر معظم انقلاب است:
از طریق این نشانی وارد بشید و کمک کنید:
1️⃣ اول گزینۀ «انتخاب وجوهات»
2️⃣ سپس از قسمت «بابت»، انتخاب گزینۀ «کمکها»
3️⃣ و بعد از آن انتخاب گزینۀ «کمک به مردم مظلوم لبنان» یا «کمک به رزمندگان مقاومت لبنان» را انتخاب کنید.
📲 نگرشها و دغدغههای حوزه و روحانیت👇🏻
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
اصابت های واضح موشک های جنود الرحمن ابناء حیدر کرار ...
افق مبین||سید محمد هاشمی
اصابت های واضح موشک های جنود الرحمن ابناء حیدر کرار ...
این فقط حمله به اسراییل نیست شکست بزرگترین سامانه دفاعی کل تاریخ است ...
اللهم سدد رمیهم ...
این مجموعه سامانه دفاعی بزرگترین نماد هیمنه و شکست ناپذیری غرب است که در حال نابودی است
این فراتر از جنگ نظامی است جنگی میان دو اراده تاریخی است.
10.74M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
هنیئا لحُدّاث ابی عبدالله ...
From Karbala to Today: Martyrs who Define Truth
We are living in an era where we witness an abundance of great souls.
Great people have always graced the earth, but never before has it seen a constellation of enlightened souls like the one present today.
In the past, decades would pass before a truly remarkable individual would emerge.
Prophets would preach for decades, even centuries, yet only a handful would believe in them, let alone join them in their ascent to the unknown.
But as we reflect on the past few decades, even the past few years, we see an irregular pattern, where such individuals are appearing more frequently.
Great human beings, truly great souls, seem to walk among us in unusual numbers, as though marking the end of times.
Today, we see both the righteous reaching the pinnacle of their faith and evil plunging to its lowest depths.
Recently, we have witnessed this greatness in the likes of Haj Qassem Soleimani and Sayyid Hasan Nasr-Allah, who lived their lives in servitude to Allah and ultimately achieved the honoured station of martyrdom. They are only the better-known among the hundreds or thousands of such luminous characters of the same pedigree who bear the same flag.
These are people who have surrendered entirely to their Lord, living every moment knowing they could be assassinated at any time. Yet they continue to live with courage, joy, and a sense of purpose.
Take Sayyid Hasan, for example. He spent nearly four decades fully aware that he could be assassinated at any moment, yet he pressed on, fulfilling what he believed to be his responsibility.
Some of our greatest scholars and mystics have said that one of the key ways to draw closer to Allah and ascend to spiritual excellence is through the remembrance of death, or dhikr al-mawt.
It is often said that near-death experiences bring people closer to the Divine, awakening them to the truth and transforming their lives into something more meaningful and spiritually elevated.
Now, imagine someone who spent 32 years living with death as his constant companion. There were multiple attempts on his life – he was poisoned, his home attacked, and eventually, he was killed when his residence was bombed with 85 tons of explosives.
Consider for a moment how close to Allah this man must have been! How deeply he must have remembered death! For over three decades, death was his shadow, yet it did not matter to him when his final breath would come. How prepared he must have been to meet his Lord!
Such a person, living with unwavering consciousness, would naturally abstain from wrongdoing and always strive to do good, fully submitted to the will of Allah.
It is these individuals who become the standard of right and wrong – not through debate or argument, but simply through their existence.
The lives and martyrdoms of people like Sayyid Hasan stand as a testament to truth. By their mere presence, they become beacons, guiding others to the path of God.
They embody honour, dignity, and submission, their very being a symbol of the truth.
Admittedly, some are a cut above the rest and do everything with a rare panache that leaves even their enemies in awe. Sayyid Hasan was, indeed, one of them.
Such honourable life and death have always been the legacy of those who follow in the footsteps of Imam Husayn (as), who long ago proved that when all else fails – when even the word of Allah and His Prophet is no longer enough to move people or societies – it is blood that speaks.
Noble, pure blood becomes the ultimate argument of Allah - the final proof of what is right and what is wrong. It is for this reason that truth remains forever tied and indebted to Karbala. There is truth, as long as there is Husayn (as).
Blood can also do what nothing else can. It can affect the temporal as well as the cosmic workings of this universe.
We pray that may the noble blood of the leaders and soldiers of the resistance prove that humanity is ready. May it finally bring about what all of existence has been waiting for...
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج