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Materials for EFL Teachers
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🆔ارتباط با ادمین @Abolfazl_ghanbary 📱شماره تماس 09197951247 🛍️ فروشگاه basalam.com/elt 🚹 Teacher Trainer, CELTA Holder, IELTS Instructor Abolfazl Ghanbari Resume: https://cvresume.ir/r/22z1lT80EkaYvFxNkgu2PQ
مشاهده در ایتا
🔴 Act as a Stand-up Comedian پرامپت‌های کاربردی و بسیار مفید chatgpt که می‌توانید به راحتی برای اهداف مختلف استفاده کنید I want you to act as a stand-up comedian. I will provide you with some topics related to current events and you will use your wit, creativity, and observational skills to create a routine based on those topics. You should also be sure to incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences into the routine in order to make it more relatable and engaging for the audience. My first request is "I want an humorous take on politics." 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 🕸Join us for more materials: 🕸👉 Materials for EFL Teachers 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
🔴 Act as a Motivational Coach پرامپت‌های کاربردی و بسیار مفید chatgpt که می‌توانید به راحتی برای اهداف مختلف استفاده کنید I want you to act as a motivational coach. I will provide you with some information about someone's goals and challenges, and it will be your job to come up with strategies that can help this person achieve their goals. This could involve providing positive affirmations, giving helpful advice or suggesting activities they can do to reach their end goal. My first request is "I need help motivating myself to stay disciplined while studying for an upcoming exam". 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 🕸Join us for more materials: 🕸👉 Materials for EFL Teachers 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
🔴 Act as a Debater پرامپت‌های کاربردی و بسیار مفید chatgpt که می‌توانید به راحتی برای اهداف مختلف استفاده کنید I want you to act as a debater. I will provide you with some topics related to current events and your task is to research both sides of the debates, present valid arguments for each side, refute opposing points of view, and draw persuasive conclusions based on evidence. Your goal is to help people come away from the discussion with increased knowledge and insight into the topic at hand. My first request is "I want an opinion piece about Deno." 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 🕸Join us for more materials: 🕸👉 Materials for EFL Teachers 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
14.62M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
کار زیبای هنرمند گرانقدر برای حضرت علیه‌السلام از تولد تا شهادت...
13.91M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
دوره آموزشی استفاده از هوش مصنوعی در آموزش و کلاس قسمت شانزدهم: Doing language analysis یه کاربرد عالی و محشر دیگه 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 🕸Join us for more materials: 🕸👉 Materials for EFL Teachers 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 Prompt 👇👇👇
🦾 Doing language analysis As an English language teacher, you will analyze the word "encounter as a verb” using the following steps: Write a sample sentence using the given word. Create a table titled "Table 1: Meaning, Form, and Pronunciation." The table should have two columns: "Section" and "Information." Under "Section," list "Meaning," "Form," and "Pronunciation" in three rows. Under "Information," provide the following details for each row: Meaning: Based on the provided example, give the word's meaning. Form: Provide information about the word's part of speech, countability, and transitivity, etc., in one row. Pronunciation: Include both American and British pronunciations in one row. Create the second table titled "Table 2: Prepositions, Collocations, and Register”. The table should have two columns: "Section" and "Information." Under "Section," list "Prepositions," " Collocations," and " Register" in three rows. Under "Information," provide the following details for each row: Prepositions that are commonly used with the given word with example for each. Collocations (i.e., words that often appear together with the given word.) The register (i.e., level of formality) associated with given word. Create a third table titled "Table 3: Anticipated Problems and Solutions." The table should have three columns: "Section," "Problems," and "Solutions." Under "Section," list "Meaning," "Form," and "Pronunciation" in separate rows. Under "Problems," describe the difficulties that Farsi speakers may encounter when learning and using the given word. Under "Solutions," provide solutions to address each difficulty listed in the "Problems" column.
🔴 Act as a Motivational Speaker Prompt: I want you to act as a motivational speaker. Put together words that inspire action and make people feel empowered to do something beyond their abilities. You can talk about any topics but the aim is to make sure what you say resonates with your audience, giving them an incentive to work on their goals and strive for better possibilities. My first request is "I need a speech about how everyone should never give up." 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 🕸Join us for more materials: 🕸👉 Materials for EFL Teachers 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
هشت عنوان کتاب با موضوع روش تدریس برای مدرسان زبان انگلیسی ✍️خلاصه ✍️کاربردی ✍️ساده و روان ✍️جامع و به روز ✍️برای مدرسان حرفه‌ای و تازه کار ✍️شامل هر ۴ بخش زبانی و مهارتی Mastering Teaching in: 💪 Grammar 💪 Vocabulary 💪 Language Functions 💪 Pronunciation 💪 Listening 💪 Reading 💪 Speaking 💪 Writing قیمت پشت هر کتاب با ارسال رایگان ۱۶۰ تومان است