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In today's #society people try hard to #meet their life needs #by.the.means of their special or ordinary #ability. Different people with different personalities #make.up our society so abilities #vary from person to person.#Despite the exsisting difficulties in 21th #century people try hard to over come this situation for a better future.
9. Meet the needs of
10. Century
11. By means of
12. Society
13. Ability
14. Vary
15. Make up
16. Despite
🍎👆🍎guess the meaning🍎👆🍎
A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
1) I agree with you a hundred ..................................
2) Dictionary prices................from $5 to $15
3) Asia is the largest..................after world
4) Deaf people use......................language to communicate.
B) Match the words to their diffinition.
1) without taking any notice of
2)to be different from each other
3) a large group of people who live together
4) being able to do something
a)society b)imagine c)despite d)ability e) vary
C)Choose the best option.
1. Close your eyes, and ……………… traveling in space.
a. pick b. exchange c. imagine d. explain
2. Do children know the ……………… between right and wrong.
a. notice b. ability c. experience d. difference
3. I met two …………………, one was from Canada, and the other from England.
a. foreigners b. regions c. mother tongues d. societies
4. My father went to Australia last year …………….. the fact that his doctor told him to rest.
a. because of b. despite c. in spite d. however