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Islamic Pulse
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 Wildfires in Los Angeles | Reaction Time What is so unfortunate about the media coverage regarding the wildfires in Los Angeles? And is a human life more valuable in Los Angeles than one in the Gaza Strip? Well, Sayyid Agha Ali Raza and Sayyid Shahryar are reacting to a video which shows the "Wildfires in Los Angeles". Get ready, because it's Reaction Time! Duration: 13:36 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "Every single servant who desires to raise his own status in this world, Allah abases his status in the Hereafter by a greater and longer extent." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 Your One True Love | Golden Pearls We have been indoctrinated by Western mass media culture to believe in a concept known as love and have been taught who to love. And yet, who must we truly love and how much should we love that true love? Have you found your one true love? Sayyid Shahryar tries to provide a little light as he answers, while giving you all a "Golden Pearl" from the holy Quran, wherever you are. Golden Pearls is a series which hopes to provide a bright light in the darkness, via the holy verses of the holy Quran, especially in the difficult times that we are all facing, wherever you are. Duration: 03:17 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "The believer is harder than a mountain, for the mountain is dispensable, whereas nothing can separate the believer from their religion." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 When Did Imam Mahdi (A) Go Into Occultation | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) Do you know when exactly Imam al-Mahdi (A) went into occultation? What are two views regarding the date of the occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (A)? And approximately how many years have passed going into the occultation of the Awaited Savior of Humanity? Find out as Sister Fatima speaks about when exactly Imam al-Mahdi (A) went into occultation, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:32 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "O’ you – stop backbiting – for it is the daily meal of the dogs of Hell." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC