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مشاهده در ایتا
🔻 French and US multinationals Michelin and Goodyear are closing four factories in Germany, citing high energy prices and intense competition from abroad. ✍️ NordStream... 🔻 شرکت‌های چندملیتی فرانسوی و امریکایی میشلن و گودیر چهار کارخانه را در آلمان تعطیل می‌کنند و دلیل آن را قیمت بالای انرژی و رقابت شدید خارجی اعلام کردند ✍️ نورداستریم... https://brusselssignal.eu/2023/11/tired-of-rising-energy-costs-michelin-and-goodyear-to-pull-out-of-germany/ Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
🔻 The Jews in Biden's government ✍️ It's not the US government, it's the Zionism government in the United State of America! 🔻 یهودیان دولت بایدن ✍️ دولت امریکا نیس که، دولت صهیونیزمه در ایالات متحده امریکا! Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
6.18M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🌎 Through Your Lens 📍Pro-Palestine rally 🇪🇸 Madrid, Spain 🌎 از لنز شما 📍راهپیمایی مردمی در حمایت از فلسطین 🇪🇸 اسپانیا، مادرید Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
🔻 Human Rights Monitor Alison Russell, who was legitimately reporting home demolitions in Masafer Yatta, has been deported by the israelis ✍️ No use in cover up, people of the world have awaken 🔻 اسرائیل دیده‌بان حقوق بشر، آلیسون راسل را که به شکلی قانونی تخریب منازل در مسافر یاتا را گزارش داده بود اخراج کرد ✍️ با خاک پوشوندن کثیف‌کاری دیگه کمکی نمیکنه مردم دنیا آگاه شدن به جنایت صهیونیست‌ها Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
🔻 69 journalists were killed in 6 years during the 2nd World War, 63 journalists were killed in 20 years during Vietnam War, Israel has killed 67 journalists in just 50 days in Gaza war! ✍️ Israel sets new records day by day! 🔻 ۶۹ خبرنگار طی ۶ سال در جنگ جهانی دوم کشته شدند، ۶۳ خبرنگار طی ۲۰ سال در جنگ ویتنام کشته شدند، اسرائیل فقط طی ۵۰ روز در جنگ غزه ۶۷ خبرنگار را کشته است! ✍️ اسرائیل هر روز داره یه رکورد تازه میزنه! Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
✍️ That's a win! ✍️ این یعنی پیروزی! Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
🔻 Mehdi Hassan's show on MSNBC has been cancelled. This comes after Mehdi has been highly critical of Israel's actions and has repeatedly supported Palestine in its struggles ✍️ Those who talk are gonna be silenced one way or another! 🔻 برنامه مهدی حسن در شبکه ام‌اس‌ان‌بی‌سی کنسل شد پس از اینکه مهدی به شدت از اقدامات اسرائیل انتقاد کرده و بارها از مبارزات فلسطین حمایت کرد این اتفاق افتاد ✍️ هر کسی حرفی بزنه هر جور شده ساکت میشه! Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
🔻 Palestinian journalists killed by Israeli airstrikes in December 1, the first day after the ceasefire: Abdullah Darwish, Montaser Al-Sawaf, Adham Hassouna ✍️ 3 journalists in 1 day! 🔻 خبرنگاران فلسطینی کشته شده در حمله هوایی اسرائیل در اول دسامبر، اولین روز پس از آتش‌بس: عبدالله درویش، منتصر الصواف، ادهم حسونه ✍️ ۳ خبرنگار در ۱ روز! https://cpj.org/2023/12/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🌎 Through Your Lens 📍Pro-Palestine rally 🇳🇿 Auckland, New Zealand 🌎 از لنز شما 📍راهپیمایی مردمی در حمایت از فلسطین 🇳🇿 نیوزلند، اوکلند Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
A drawing by an Iraqi artist, Ali Ateb 🇮🇶 ✍️ He who relies on "Israel" is close to destruction... طرحی از هنرمند گرانقدر عراقی، استاد علی عاتب🇮🇶 ✍️ آنکه بر «اسراويل» تکیه کرده، به هلاکت نزدیک است... Tweet Link 🌎 @Masaf_intl
Masaf International 🌎 مصاف بین‌الملل
A drawing by an Iraqi artist, Ali Ateb 🇮🇶 ✍️ He who relies on "Israel" is close to destruction...
Ali Ateb: Brush and pen He who relies on "Israel" is close to destruction... Al-Aqsa Storm uprooted the conspiracies and removed the veil from the grim face of the Arab rulers who were immersed in the stagnant swamp of betrayal with humiliation and submission, and their shamelessness became clear by their direct cooperation and support of the Zionist regime, as one of our elders call it “Israwil”. They rely on it when calamities befall them and when their people rise against them. Their role in the political slave market was clearly revealed, they offered the fate of the Arab nations as a commodity in the betrayal auction in exchange for gaining power and staying in power. They took advantage of the Palestine issue in the most heinous ways and danced on its wounds for the ends and goals that served their interests... from the “destroyer” of the Arab nation to the “smasher” of the African nation, then it is the turn of the “Gulf” of the oil nation to complete the pieces of the conspiracy by the American means, and the bidding in the region continues and the separation between the Arab and Islamic nations increases. Gaza is crying out for help and the huge Arab army is frozen and stuck in the political “freezer”. The “confused” Gulf fighters who fight with the luxury of oil money need a “pause” after the “fake fight” with the Zionist enemy, they constantly go back and forth so they may not to fall into the trap of the “inefficient political plan”. And because of their distressed conscience and weak Arabic relations and deficient Islamic beliefs, they find themselves and their well-equipped armies with the latest weapons against the defenseless people of Yemen??! Suffering heavy losses in personnel and equipment forced them to retreat and throw themselves into the arms of the children of Zion and seek peace in the dark Masonic halls, and openly and shamelessly announce their disgraceful surrender and alignment with the usurping regime.