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جهت همکاری باماو انتقاد،پیشنهاد @fresh_s پیچ اینستاگرام https://www.instagram.com/rightway11/
مشاهده در ایتا
Considering the event of Karbala and the many unbearable hardships Imam Hussain (AS) and his family
Considering the many unbearable hardships Imam (AS) and his family went through, he never complain to Allah or surrendering to this deep pain. This patience, for sure, was the result of his deep faith in Allah and having no doubt in whatever He chooses for him.
آرى , مردى كه وارث نبوت محمدى است ,مردى كه وارث عدل و مروت پدرى چون حضرت على (ع ) است و وارث فضيلت مادرى چون حضرت فاطمه (س ) است ,چگونه نمونه برتر و والاى عظمت انسان و نشانه آشكار فضيلت هاى خدايى نباشد. Yes, a man who inherits the prophethood of Muhammad, a man who inherits the justice and goodness of a father like Imam Ali (AS) and inherits the virtues of a mother like holy Fatima (AS), how can he not be the supreme example of human greatness and a clear sign of divine virtues.
هدایت شده از Mahdi 12th IMAM
▫️ ❇️ سیرت و صورت مهدی « سلام الله علیه » ☀️ 🔥 🌼رسول اللَّه « صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم » : 🌸 مهدي از فرزندان من است؛ نامش نام من وکنیه اش کنیه من ، شبیه ترین مردم به من از لحاظ اخلاق و خلقت است ، غیبت و حیرتی خواهد داشت که امّتها در آن گمراه می شوند ، مانند ستاره شهاب می آید . پس زمین را از قسط و عدل آکنده می سازد همچنان که از ظلم و ستم پر شده باشد. ☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s) : 🍃 (s) is from my progeny, his name is same as mine and his patronymic is (also) same as mine. He most closely resembles me by way of and appearance. He will have and astonishment; such that will go astray in it. Prophet (s) said , Then he (Mahdi (s)) will appear a shooting . He will fill the with and as it would have been teeming with tyranny and .” ▫️▫️▫️ 📚 Kamaluddin; Vol. 1/287 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️ ✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
💥ترجمه👆💥: خبرنگار از مکرون پرسید: چرا اهانت شارلی هبدو علیه پیامبر اسلام ص را محکوم نکردید؟ مکرون گفت: فرانسه کشور آزادی است و این کار در چارچوب آزادی بیان است. خبرنگار: پس چرا انکار هولوکاست ؛ زندان ؛ جریمه نقدی و محرومیت از حقوق شروندی را بدنبال دارد؟ مکرون : فقط سکوت ! مدعیان دروغین آزادی و حقوق بشر.
The reporter asked Macron: Why you did not condemn the insult of Charlie Hebdo against the Prophet of Islam(PBUH)? "France is a country of freedom, and that 's in the framework of freedom of expression" : Macron said Reporter: So why denying the Holocaust; would be punished by Prison; Fines and deprivation of civil rights: Macron: Just silence! False claimants of freedom and human rights. 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, in order to distribute gifts among the sons and daughters, first give a gift to the daughter. The reason for the girl's priority in giving gifts is the emotional spirit of this creature of God.
On the day Mecca was conquered, peacefully with no bloodshed, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) said: “Today is the day of mercy”, “it is the day of mercy and kindness.”
Muhammad (pbuh) would prevent any form of aggression and extremism against the opponents of Islam, and he relived the polytheists of Quraysh by stressing, “you may be as you are all free.”
Muhammad (pbuh) would prevent any form of aggression and extremism against the opponents of Islam, and he relived the polytheists of Quraysh by stressing, “you may be as you are all free.”