🏴🏴🏴 @Allah4all ◾️ 10 ربیع الثانی، سالروز شهادت کریمه اهل بیت، حضرت فاطمه معصومه (س) تسلیت باد. ◾️ Condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah al Masumah (s). In the year 201 A.H.lady Fatimah Masuma (S.A) accompanied by her brothers and other elders from the Ahlul Bayt (A.S) left Medina for Marv (Khorasan) to meet Imam Ridha (A.S). On their way they were welcomed and greeted by the people of the different cities and villages. Lady Masuma (S.A) like her noble aunt lady Zainab (S.A) delivered the message of the innocence of her brother Imam al Ridha (A.S) and revealed the evil intentions of the Abbasid caliph to the public. When the caravan reached Saveh a group of armed men who were deputed by Mamun, the Abbasid caliph savagely attacked them and all the brothers of lady Masuma (S.A) were martyred and according to some historical reports she was poisoned and became severely ill. Lady Masuma (S.A) entered the city of Qom on 23rd Rabi al-Awwal, She remained alive only for 17 days because she was poisoned in Saveh.She (S.A) passed away on 10th Rabi al-Thani. Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 60, p. 219. مرجع تخصصی محتواهای @Allah4all