The importance of Cleanliness in #Islam
✅ The holy #Prophet_Muhammad (S.A.W.W) :
"Be clean in every way you can because Allah built Islam on cleanliness and only the clean people can enter Paradise(Jannah)." (1)
✅ The holy #Prophet_Muhammad (S.A.W.W) :
"Surely Islam is clean. Therefore, you should keep yourselves clean." (2)
✅ The holy #Prophet_Muhammad (S.A.W.W) :
"Cleanliness is from faith(Emaan) and [both of] the faith and its holder are in paradise." (3)
✅ The holy #Prophet_Muhammad (S.A.W.W) :
"Surely Allah loves a clean worshiper." (4)
✅ #Imam_Ali the Commander of the Believers (p.b.u.h) :
"Allah dislikes his dirty servants those who keeps them off every person that sits with them." (5)
✅ #Imam_Reza (the 8th Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) :
"Cleanliness is one of the Ethics of The Prophets." (6)
(1) Mizan al_Hikmah\ p:3303
(2) Mizan al_Hikmah\ 4\ p:3303
(3) Bihar al-Anwar\ 59\ p:291
(4) Mizan al_Hikmah\ 4\ p:3303
(5) al_Khisal\ p:620
(6) al_Kafi\ 5 \p:567
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