این توییت رو قاب کنید بزنید به دیوار: خبرنگار سوری میگه من علیه رژیم اسد جنگیدم. از حق اسراییل برای نابود کردن حزبالله دفاع کردم. الان چرا اسراییل داره به ما حمله میکنه؟ ما مردم صلحطلبی هستیم. ما کاری با اسراییل نداریم! اگر اسراییل ادامه بده ما بهش حمله میکنیم! ......
Israel is taking advantage of the new Syrian state's vulnerabilities and encroaching on Syrian territory.
This is completely unacceptable and violates the sovereignty of Syria.
We fought against Assad, and we are ready to defend Syrian territory from any aggression.
We have always stated that we are a people who do not love war or killing; however, what is currently happening in southern Syria is completely unacceptable.
I'm one of the people who defended Israel’s right to destroy Hezbollah because it is a th...