#کتاب نفحات
اساس عبودیت و بندگی، حب است. خداوند می فرماید: {یُحِبُّهُم و یُحِبُّونَهُ} (خداوند آنان را دوست دارد و آنان، خدا را دوست دارند). {مائده: 54}. (در محضر بهجت، ج 2، ص 360 و 361).
#دستور #prompt
A blank old paper with liquid light in the middle of aA heartwarming scene in a hospital where a young Iranian girl is giving a flower to her nurse as a gesture of gratitude. The girl, with traditional Iranian features and wearing simple clothing, smiles warmly as she hands the flower to the nurse. The nurse, wearing a clean, professional uniform with a white maghnaeh (traditional Iranian head covering) and hijab, smiles back, touched by the gesture. The hospital room is bright and clean, with soft lighting, and the mood is filled with warmth and kindness, emphasizing the bond of care and appreciation between the two. There is no flag in the room.
#هوشواره #هوش_مصنوعی