In the name of God
Ghadir, is the ceremony of humanity.
In this day, the final desire and means to the creation of humanity is mentioned and spoken of. Those who have wasted and damaged the value of this day, have ruined the value of billions of people and humanity.
Ghadir, is in our spirit and soul. We have been born with Ghadir and with its purity and value that is kneaded and woven in our minds and spirit, will someday meet our God and creature. In the checkpoint and stop of Ghadir, the reason of the existence of humanity, and the different ways which it alters and shifts our being, and sheds light upon our life in this world and the afterlife.
«"O Allah, hasten the relief of Your guardian."»🤲
In the name of God
🎙"Excerpts from the Sermon of Ghadir"
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The sermon of Ghadir, is the speech of the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in the way of returning from the last pilgrimage (Hajatolvedaa'),in the 10th year of Hijri, along with many of the Muslims along side in a place called “Ghadir Al-Khom, or the (pond of Ghadir).
The prophet (pbuh) stated in this speech, the Velayah (Governship) and Leadership of Imam Ali after himself.
The main content and key points of this talk was the famous quote: “ For whoever I am his Leader, From now on, Ali is his Leader”, which is periodically mentioned in Shia and Sunni authorities & Hadiths.
This quote of the speech, is known for the “Hadith of Ghadir” or in other terms, the Narrative of Ghadir and is one of the main reasonings of the successor after the prophet mentioned by the prophet himself.
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«"O Allah, hasten the relief of Your guardian."»🤲
گَر هست جانی در تنم، بهر تو میدارم نِگَه...
-امیر خسرو دهلوی
خدا همه سرمایشو رو کرد!
سَلامٌ عليٰ آلِ يٰس ...
پدرمهربانم، سلام ...
💢اللّهُمَّ عَجِّل فَرجَ
مُنتَِقمِ الزَّهرٰاء سَلٰامُ اللهِ عَلَیهما...
In the name of God
🎙"Excerpts from the Sermon of Ghadir"
“O people!... Ali, the son of Talib, is [as] a brother to me, and he is my executor, and successor to lead my people as an Imam after me! His relation to me is as Aaron to Moses is, except for no other messengers will follow me. After God and His Messenger, Ali is going to be your Conserver, and God has sent down a Verse saying:
“Verily, your guardian is only God, his messenger and the believers who pray and pay alms while are bowing down”.(1)
Surely it is Ali who did set up prayer, and while bowing [down to pray], paid out alms, and always sought the will of almighty God.”
📚1. Surah Al-Ma'idah, Verse (55).
«"O Allah, hasten the relief of Your guardian."»🤲
به سِماجت گنجشک های
اول صُبح میمانم ،
در دوست داشتنت ...
سلام آقا
دوباره جمعه و
یاد شما
پر می زند
در کوچه و پس کوچه های شهر ما
گویی شمیم و
عطر گیسویت نوید از
آمدن دارد مسافر
امام زمانم
💚 من همیشه بهتو فکر میکنم
به غربتت وسط شلوغیهای دنیا
چقدر آمدنت دیر شده...
فایل صوتی صلوات ابوالحسن ضراب اصفهاني👆
😊👌از خوندنش غافل نشیداااا
👆👆عصر جمعه حتماااا بخونید این صلوات ضراب رو.
سفارش خود مولاست.
و همچنین صد بار سوره قدر هدیه به مهدی فاطمه عجل الله😍
گمگشتهام به اشک که پیدا کنم تو را
دل شستهام ز خود که تمنّا کنم تو را
دل برده اختیار ز دستم وگرنه من
قابل نیم که جان و دل اهدا کنم تو را
💚 یاحُسین 💚