شهید نادر حمید:
"اى خدایى که به بندگان احسان مى کنى ..بنده گنهکار به در خانه تو آمده .
و تو امر کردهاى که نیکوکار از گناهکار بگذرد ..
تو نیکوکارى و من گناهکار ..
به حق محمد و آل محمد رحمت خود را ..
بر محمد و آل محمد بفرست ..
و از بدیهایى که مى دانى ..
از من سر زده بگذر
Martyr Nader Hamid:
"O God, You do good to the servants ... The sinful servant has come to your house.
And you have commanded that the virtuous pass over the sinner.
You are a benefactor and I am a sinner ..
To the mercy of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad ..
Send to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad ..
And from the obvious you know ..
Skip me
تاریخ شهادت
🏴 @ahmadmashlab1995🏴