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💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان 💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم. 📕 دعای فرج امام زمان اِلهى عَظُمَ الْبَلاَّءُ وَبَرِحَ الْخَفاَّءُ وَانْكَشَفَ الْغِطاَّءُ وَانْقَطَعَ الرَّجاَّءُ خدایا بلاء عظیم گشته و درون آشكار شد و پرده از كارها برداشته شد و امید قطع شد وَضاقَتِ الاْرْضُ وَمُنِعَتِ السَّماَّءُ واَنْتَ الْمُسْتَعانُ وَاِلَیْكَ و زمین تنگ شد و از ریزش رحمت آسمان جلوگیرى شد و تویى یاور و شكوه بسوى تو است الْمُشْتَكى وَعَلَیْكَ الْمُعَوَّلُ فِى الشِّدَّةِ وَالرَّخاَّءِ اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى و اعتماد و تكیه ما چه در سختى و چه در آسانى بر تو است خدایا درود فرست بر مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ اُولِى الاْمْرِ الَّذینَ فَرَضْتَ عَلَیْنا طاعَتَهُمْ محمد و آل محمد آن زمامدارانى كه پیرویشان را بر ما واجب كردى و بدین سبب مقام وَعَرَّفْتَنا بِذلِكَ مَنْزِلَتَهُمْ فَفَرِّجْ عَنا بِحَقِّهِمْ فَرَجاً عاجِلا قَریباً كَلَمْحِ و منزلتشان را به ما شناساندى به حق ایشان به ما گشایشى ده فورى و نزدیك مانند الْبَصَرِ اَوْ هُوَ اَقْرَبُ یا مُحَمَّدُ یا عَلِىُّ یا عَلِىُّ یا مُحَمَّدُ اِكْفِیانى چشم بر هم زدن یا نزدیكتر اى محمد اى على اى على اى محمد مرا كفایت كنید فَاِنَّكُما كافِیانِ وَانْصُرانى فَاِنَّكُما ناصِرانِ یا مَوْلانا یا صاحِبَ كه شمایید كفایت كننده ام و مرا یارى كنید كه شمایید یاور من اى سرور ما اى صاحب الزَّمانِ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ اَدْرِكْنى اَدْرِكْنى اَدْرِكْنى السّاعَةَ الزمان فریاد، فریاد، فریاد، دریاب مرا دریاب مرا دریاب مرا همین ساعت السّاعَةَ السّاعَةَ الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَلَ یا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمینَ بِحَقِّ همین ساعت هم اكنون زود زود زود اى خدا اى مهربانترین مهربانان به حق مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرینَ محمد و آل پاكیزه اش 📗 BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM   O Allah, terrible was the calamity, and its evil consequences are visible, the covering has been removed, (all) hopes have been cut off, the (plentiful) earth has shrunk (with very little to spare), the heavenly blessings have been withheld. You alone can help, we refer our grief and sorrow to You, we have full faith in You, in the time of distress, as well as in good fortune. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, whom we must obey as per Your command, through which we become aware of their rank and status, and let there be joy after sorrow for us, for their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, more rapidly than that. O Muhammad, O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad, Give me enough, because both of you provide sufficiently. Help me, because both of you help and protect. O our master , O the living Imam,   HELP! HELP! HELP!   Reach me! Reach me! Reach me! At once, in this hour. Be quick, be quick, be quick, O the most merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure children 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
#idiom 🍟 idiom of the day 👛 be crowded with 👛 مملو بودن ، پر بودن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
English House
#present_perfect_continuous #present_perfect #grammar #how_long ⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ?
👆👆👆 ⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ? A دن و جنی ازدواج کرده اند. آنها دقیقاً ۲۰ سال پیش ازدواج کردن، پس امروز بیستمین سالگرد ازدواجشونه. آنها به مدت ۲۰ سال متأهل بوده اند. ما میگیم: آنها متأهل هستند. ( در حال حاضر ) اما ▪️ How long have they been married? (present perfect) (not How long are they married? ❌) آنها چه مدت متأهل بوده اند؟ ( حال کامل ) ▪️ They have been married for 20 years. (not They are married for 20 years ❌) آنها ۲۰ سال است که ازدواج کرده اند. ⭕️ ما از حال کامل برای صحبت در مورد چیزی استفاده میکنیم که در گذشته شروع شده و تا الان هنوز ادامه داره. 📝 مثال های حال ساده و حال کامل زیر را با هم مقایسه کنید👇 ▪️ Paul is in hospital. He's been in hospital since Monday. (=He has been ... ) (not Paul is in hospital since Monday❌) پاول تو بیمارستانه. او از روز دوشنبه ( تا الان ) تو بیمارستان بوده. ▪️ Do you know each other well? Have you known each other for a Long time? (not Do you know ❌) شما همدیگرو خوب میشناسید؟ مدت زیادی هست که همدیگرو میشناسید؟ ❗️ حتماً عکس را باز کنید و مطالب و مثال ها را بررسی کنید. این توضیحات در تکمیل مطالب موجود در عکس آمده اند. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
English House
#present_perfect_continuous #present_perfect #grammar #how_long ⌛️ How long have you ( been )...
👆👆👆 ⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ? B I have known/ had/ Lived etc. 👇 حال کامل ساده هستند. I have been Learning / been waiting / been doing etc. 👇 حال کامل استمراری هستند. ⭕️ زمانی که میگیم یا می‌پرسیم how long, استفاده از حال کامل استمراری معمولتر هست. ▪️ 'How long have you been driving?' 'Since I was 17.' چه مدت رانندگی می‌کرده ای؟ از وقتی ۱۷ سالم بوده. ⭕️ بعضی فعل ها مثل know, like , believe به طور معمول برای استمرار استفاده نمیشوند. How long have you known jane? (not have you been knowing ❌) ❗️ حتماً عکس را باز کنید و مطالب و مثال ها را بررسی کنید. این توضیحات در تکمیل مطالب موجود در عکس آمده اند. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ? C , D 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
English House
#present_perfect_continuous #present_perfect #grammar #how_long ⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ?
👆👆👆 ⌛️ How long have you ( been )... ? C ⭕️ با live , work هم میتونید از حال کامل استمراری و هم از حال کامل ساده استفاده کنید👇 ▪️ julia has been Living / has Lived here for a long time. جولیا مدت زیادی اینجا زندگی می کرده / زندگی کرده ▪️ How long have you been working / have you worked here? چه مدت اینجا کار می کرده ای / کار کرده ای ؟ ⭕️ اما با always از حال کامل ساده استفاده کنید (.I've Lived / I've done etc ) ▪️ I've always Lived in the country. (not always been living ❌) 💫💫💫 D I [ haven't done ] sth [ since / for ] .... ( حال کامل ساده) : ▪️ I haven't seen Tom since Monday. (= Monday was the last t ime I saw him) از دوشنبه ( تا الان ) تام رو ندیده ام. ( بار آخری که او را دیدم دوشنبه بود ) ▪️ Sarah hasn't phoned for ages. (=the last time she phoned was ages ago) سارا مدت زیادیه که تلفن نکرده. ( بار آخری که تلفن کرد مدت ها پیش بود ) since = از for = برای ❗️ حتماً عکس را باز کنید و مطالب و مثال ها را بررسی کنید. این توضیحات در تکمیل مطالب موجود در عکس آمده اند. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
#words 🗓 calendar 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
English House
#words 🗓 calendar 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
👆👆👆 📆 Calendar 📆 تقویم 1⃣ سال 2⃣ ماه 3⃣ هفته 4⃣ روز 5⃣ آخر هفته 6⃣ یک شنبه 7⃣ دوشنبه 8⃣ سه شنبه 9⃣ چهارشنبه 🔟 پنج شنبه 1⃣1⃣ جمعه 2⃣1⃣ شمبه 3⃣1⃣ تا 4⃣2⃣ ماه های میلادی که معادل شمسی آن قبلاً در کانال قرار داده شده. 5⃣2⃣ نحوه نوشتن و گفتن تاریخ : سوم ژانویه ۲۰۱۲ 6⃣2⃣ روز تولد 7⃣2⃣ قرار ملاقات 📌 روزهای هفته اروپایی‌ها و آمریکایی‌ها از دو شنبه شروع می شود و تا جمعه ادامه دارد. روزهای شنبه و یک شنبه تعطیلات آخر هفته محسوب می شود. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
26.59M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
conversation 👥 مکالمات کاربردی لهجه بریتیش 🇬🇧 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان 💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم. 📒 دعای سلامتی امام زمان اللَّهُمَّ کُنْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الحُجَةِ بنِ الحَسَن صَلَواتُکَ علَیهِ و عَلی آبائِهِ فِی هَذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَ فِی کُلِّ سَاعَةٍ وَلِیّاً وَ حَافِظاً وَ قَائِداً وَ نَاصِراً وَ دَلِیلًا وَ عَیْناً حَتَّى تُسْکِنَهُ أَرْضَکَ طَوْعاً وَ تُمَتعَهُ فِیهَا طَوِیلا” 📝 ترجمه ی دعا به فارسی خدایا، در این لحظه و در تمام لحظات، سرپرست و نگاهدار و راهبر و یارى گر و راهنما و دیدبان ولیّات حضرت حجّة بن الحسن- که درودهاى تو بر او و بر پدرانش باد- باش، تا او را به صورتى که خوشایند اوست و همه از او فرمانبرى مى نمایند ساکن زمین گردانیده، و مدّت زمان طولانى در آن بهره مند سازى   📝 ترجمه ی دعا به انگلیسی O Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjat (the Proof) ibn. al-Hasan and send salutations upon him, and his ancestors, now as well as at all the times, (as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) Government. And let the people be delighted in his .reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his reign. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
#idiom 🍲 idiom of the day 🐙 be different from 🐙 متفاوت بودن از ، فرق داشتن با 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
روخوانی و درک مطلب 📖 👩👨 Todd: So Meg, you are talking about being in the military, and you said you were a medic. Can you explain what that is? Meg: Yeah. So a medic, which now I believe is called health care specialist, is – I always say it's kind of similar to being like a paramedic where it's not a full nurse job. I think nurses have more training like in civilian side nurses, but similar to paramedic where you have certain, like, minor procedures that you're trained to do and high-level things than just an EMT like doing IVs and giving shots and stitches and things like that. And you're trained – because it's the military, you're especially trained for emergency situations, and how to treat someone who has maybe some serious life-threatening wounds. So that's a medic. Todd: Wow. That sounds like a really difficult job. I mean, it's not your typical, just soldier job. You must have had a lot of schooling and education. Meg: I had – well, everyone goes through the initial, about two and a half months like basic training. And that's more kind of basic combat skills and physical training that kind of thing. And then I had four months past that to train to be a medic. So we went through like emergency medical technician course just like civilian side. I got certified with that. And then we had additional training for the military skills like IVs and emergency procedures, that kind of thing. Todd: Right. Can you explain what IV is? Meg: IV is an intravenous – like getting fluids into your body. So if you've been injured and you've lost a lot of blood or maybe you're dehydrated and you need some fluid in your body quickly, then we stick a needle into your vein and then the fluids go in. And the needle comes back out but a little tube stays in. And then you can get fluids quickly that way. Todd: So anybody that's been to the doctor knows that's always kind of the anxious moment when the nurse or the person who's going to stick the needle in. Were you good at doing that? Meg: So once I learned how to do it, I think I was pretty good. And I actually enjoyed doing it, not in a creepy way but, you know, it was – I guess, because I was decent at it that it was a part of my job that I enjoyed. But for myself, before we went through that training, I actually became dehydrated and needed to get an IV myself. And I was terrified because I really hadn't had that before in my life. And so, the nurse was going to come, you know, put the needle in my arm and I was like, "No, isn't there another? I'll just drink a lot of water." And she was saying, "Aren't you going to be a medic." And I was like, "Oh, I haven't trained yet. Don't do it." So yeah. Todd: Oh, that's cool. Yeah. I was recently in the hospital and they had me strapped up for both blood and for the water, the intravenous drip. And it's annoying because you can't really move, like if you want to get up and walk anywhere, you're strapped with all these tubes. And it's not very convenient. Meg: Yeah, yeah. Or at least you have to careful. When I was getting the IV, I didn't know that the needle doesn't stay in your arm. Now, for some things, it does. For blood, maybe it's different, I'm not sure. But yeah, so I was trying to be so careful too but you still want it to go well so you don't want to move very much. Todd: Right. So what percentage of people would you say freak out when they get the needle? Meg: Probably 90% or 95%. Todd: Oh really? Meg: Yeah. Even, you know, tough Army guys would come in and be – and they'd be like, "Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine in a bit." "Well, we need to give you an IV." And they'd be like, "Oh…" Todd: Right. Yeah. Nobody likes that. Meg: No. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
روخوانی و درک مطلب 📖 👩👨 ↪️continue Todd: So you transitioned. You were in the medical profession and then you moved to education. Why did you leave the medical profession for education? Meg: Yeah. That's interesting because I became a medic in the military because I thought after I – when I could continue college that I would be a nurse or a doctor. But my time serving as a medic helped me learn that that was not what I wanted to do for my career after all. So I definitely am glad that I had those skills and the things that I learned and was able to experience. But I had – English had kind of been on the back burner. And so then I said, "Okay, let me revisit this," and it led to English education. Todd: Wow. Have you ever thought about being like an English specialist for people in the medical fields like teaching doctors and nurses? Meg: I guess I haven't thought about that specifically. Sometimes I thought about going back to military. They do have something like English schools in the military. And so, I guess that would be related. Also it could be – yeah, so that would be interesting. Something to think about. Todd: All right. Great. Thanks, Meg. 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
🎵 تکنسین فوریت های پزشکی 🎵 درمان سرپایی و جزئی ، عمل سرپایی 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
🎵 کم شدن آب بدن 🎵 وصل کردن ، بستن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
🎵 میگویند 🎵 به تعویق انداختن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡