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🦋ادمین @soft88 ⁦♥️⁩روزی ۵ #صلوات به نیت سلامتی و ظهور امام زمان 💌 کانال لغت @Essential_English_Words 💌 آرشیو گرامر @Grammar_Archive گروه چت و رفع اشکال eitaa.com/joinchat/4007067660C220529a69d
مشاهده در ایتا
گفتن به انگلیسی 🏴 🏴 accept my condolences 🏴 🏴 My condolences to you 🏴 🏴 Exp: My heartfelt condolences to you on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (PBUH), the 3rd Infallible Heir of Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny). مثال: تسلیت قلبی من به شما برای سالروز شهادت امام حسین (علیه‌السلام) سومین جانشین معصوم پیامبر ( صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم). 📍Pay attention to the teaching file below 👇👇👇👇 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Accept my condolences 2.mp3
🏴 🏴 accept my condolences 🏴 🏴 My condolences to you 🏡 @English_House 🏡
🎋1. vertebrates 🎋2. warm-blooded 🎋3. cold-blooded 🎋4. mammals 🎋5. birds 🎋6. fish 🎋7. reptiles 🎋8. amphibians 📌 Pay attention to the explanation file 👇👇👇👇 🏡 @English_House 🏡
🧐🤔 Do you know why pen caps have holes??? پاسخ در پست بعدی👇👇 🏡 @English_House 🏡
⭕️متن زیر را سعی کنید بخونید و معنا کلمات ناآشنا رو حدس بزنید. ⭕️از دیکشنری استفاده نکنید. ⭕️حدس زدن معنای کلمات مهارتی مهم هست که یک زبان آموز باید داشته باشه. If someone accidentally swallows the cap of a pen, then to avoid the suffocation after swallowing it, the hole is given in the pen cap. Chewing pen cap or pen lids while working is a common phenomenon done by everyone, but if it swallowed by mistake and may lodge the windpipe with potentially fatal consequences. The hole allows air to pass through the windpipe so that a person could breathe properly. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
📍مرخصی به انگلیسی چی میشه؟! 📍مرخصی زایمان؟! 📍مرخصی با/بی حقوق؟! 📍چطور میشه در خواست مرخصی کرد؟؟ 🏡 @English_House 🏡👈👇
Leave 1.mp3
📍Leave 📌explanation file 🏡 @English_House 🏡👈👇
: 🎋live / leave این دو کلمه رو یکسان تلفظ نکنید 🎋leave : ترک کردن/مرخصی 🎋on leave: به حرف اضافه توجه کنید 🎋maternity leave : برای 🎋paternity leave : مرخصی زایمان برای پدران(برای کمک به مادر) 🎋I'm under the weather : دارم، حالم خوب نیست 🎋paid/unpaid leave: مرخصی با/بی حقوق 🎋I was wandering if I can 2 days/next week/next Monday/ tommorow .... off نحوه تقاضای مرخصی 🎋colloquial=informal محاوره ای 🏡 @English_House 🏡👈👆
📣 عبارت If only ✨عبارت if only به منظور بیان آرزو، خواسته یا حسرت هست. ⚡️If only they save his life. چی میشه اگر جونشو نجات بدن. ⚡️If only he didn’t leave here. چی میشد اگر از اینجا نمیرفت. ⚡️If only I had listened to you. ای کاش به حرفت گوش میدادم. @English_House🏡
💫این لیست رو حتما یه جایی ذخیره کنید چون خیلی کاربرد داره در زبان محاوره 🙏 🔹gonna 👉 going to I'm gonna talk to him. we're gonna win this game. 🔹Gotta 👉 got to -> have to I gotta go now. -> I have to go now. you gotta be careful. 🔹have gotta 👉 have got to -> have to I've gotta go now. -> I have to go now. 🔸Wanna 👉 want to I wanna hold your hand. 🔸Lemme 👉 let me lemme ask you something. lemme call you back. 🔸Gimme 👉 give me Gimme a break. Gimme some money! 🔺Outta 👉 out of we'd better get outta here! get outta my way! 🔺Kinda 👉 kind of I think it's kinda funny. kinda outta luck. What kinda music do you like? 🔺Imma 👉 I am going to Imma talk to him. ▫️Hafta 👉 have to, must I hafta go now. I'll talk to you later. ▫️oughta 👉 ought to It's too late. I oughta back home right now. ▪️shoulda 👉 should have You shoulda done it. ▪️Dunno 👉 don't know/doesn't know I dunno what to say. ▪️Nope/Nah/Naa 👉 No Nope, I'm not going. I'll be here more. ▪️Betcha 👉 bet you I betcha this movie is a good one, lemme buy a ticket. 🔻Lotsa 👉 lots of There are lotsa chicks right there. 🔻Lotta 👉 lot of I saw a lotta courage out there, and a lotta hard work. 🔻Gotcha 👉 I've got you -> I understand Please don't do that again. Answer: Gotcha @English_House🏡