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مشاهده در ایتا
🐸 Lexus Makes a Cardboard Car – level 2 Lexus created the first drivable cardboard car in the world. It is a life-size replica of Toyota’s new IS Saloon. You can enter the car and move it backwards and forwards. It is something quite special. ➖🍃🍃➖➖🍃🍃➖🍃🍃➖➖🍃🍃➖ 🔐 Difficult words:  cardboard (thick brown paper; the material in the picture),  replica (an exact copy of something). مقوایی کپی دقیق ، المثنی 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
Very old shipwrecks _ Level2 Scientists found ancient shipwrecks at the bottom of the Black Sea off of Bulgaria, and they believe that one of the wrecks is 2,400 years old and was a Greek trading vessel. The shipwrecks were in such deep water that there is no oxygen, and this means they are very well-preserved. This is the first time people can have a look at ships this old. Before, we could only see them in books or in paintings. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Difficult words  ancient (very old),  vessel (a ship or large boat),  well-preserved (not destroyed). باستانی کشتی یا قایق بزرگ خوب حفاظت شده 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 9 He arrived with no problem and said to Eric, "Hi, young man. My name's Howard. I'm going to take you back across the river to your mother and father." Eric was frightened. "Why didn't my father come?" he asked. "Your father isn't strong. He had a bad time in the storm yesterday." Eric saw the blood on Crawford's face. "Did you have a bad time in the storm, too?" "Yes, but your mother and father were very good to me. " ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ take back sand برگرداندن شن ، ماسه 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 10 Eric wasn't frightened now, because the man was very friendly .. "I had an interesting time in the storm," he said. "What did you do?" "I ts ' a secret. " "Did you find a bag of money?" Eric danced up and down with a big smile on his face. "No, you're wrong. " "Did you play in the sand?" "Wrong again!" Maybe he managed to find the golden seal? Crawford suddenly thought. No! How can a small boy find a golden seal? "Let's go," he said. "I'm going to take you back." ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ up and down wrong بالا و پایین اشتباه 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 11 "Aren't you going to ask me about my secret?" Eric said. "Later," Crawford said. "Now get on my back." Eric was heavy and the water was cold. But Crawford was very strong. A short time later, Eric was with his mother and father. "Thank you!" Jim and Tania said to Howard Crawford. "You're a good man!" Slowly, they all walked home. Eric talked quietly to his father. "Father, please make a promise," he said. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ get on make a promise سوار شدن قول دادن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 12 Jim was angry. "Why?" he asked. "You promised to stay near the house, but you didn't. " "I'm sorry, Father. I'm not going to do that again." "Good," Jim said, "because promises are very important." They walked quietly for a short time, and then Eric said, "I'm a bad boy, I know. But please make a promise. I have a secret." "What is your secret?" "I have a new friend. I stayed with her in the storm. She can be your friend, too ; but you can't take her from me. Promise-please!" ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ I'm not going to take قصد ندارم گرفتن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 13 "OK, I promise. Who is your new friend?" "She's beautiful. Her fur is golden." Eric talked very quickly. "She has two beautiful little pups. And she's mine. She's going to stay with me ... " Jim suddenly stopped walking. He looked down at his son. "Say that again-slowly," he said. "She's a golden seal, Father. And she's my friend." Oh, no, Jim thought. I always wanted to catch a golden seal. I want the money for her fur. How can I promise to be her friend? ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ fur pup mine catch خز توله مال من گرفتن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 3 part 14 "Listen to me, Eric," he said. ''A golden seal isn't a friendly animal. It's big and strong. She can never be your friend. I'm sorry, son." Eric didn't talk for a long time. Then he said, "OK, Father, maybe she can't 'be my friend. But you can't shoot her. You promised.'' "OK" Jim said slowly. "But the seal is our secret - yours, mine, and Mother's. Do you understand?" "Can't I talk to Howard about it?" Eric asked. "No, not to Howard," Jim answered. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ shoot شلیک کردن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                           💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 1 CHAPTER 4 The Bear 🐻 Suddenly, the sun came out and jim saw the bear. It was very near them. jim didn't make a noise. Jim, Tania, and Eric sat down at the table for some food, but . Crawford didn't want any. "I'm going for a walk," he said. He walked to the beach and the family watched him from the window. "I don't understand," Tania said. "What's he looking for?" ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ I'm going for a walk Look for any میخوام برم پیاده روی جستجو کردن ، دنبال چیزی گشتن هیچی 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 2 Jim talked to her about Eric and the golden seal. "Howard's a seal catcher," he said. "He saw the golden seal before the storm. Now he wants to find it." "How can we stop him?" Tania wanted to know. "The seal was in one of the little buildings in the sand dunes," Eric said. "Howard doesn't know that. We can find her first." With some food for the golden seal, Jim and Eric went to the little building in the sand dunes . "Let's be quick, F at h er, " Eric said . "R un!" Jim had his gun in his hands. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Let's be quick , father زود باش پدر 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 3 "Listen, Eric," he said. "This golden seal knows you, but she doesn't know me. She's not my friend." Slowly, quietly, Eric opened the door of the little building, but the golden seal wasn't there! Maybe there never was a golden seal, Jim thought. Then he saw some fur on the floor of the little building. Mm, he thought, maybe Crawford managed to find her before us. But I didn't hear the noise of a gun. And Crawford was on the beach, not in the sand dunes. "Where is she, Father?" Eric asked. "Maybe she's on the beach," his father answered. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ fur floor sand dunes خز کف زمین تپه های شنی 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 4 They looked for her there all afternoon, but they didn't find her. Eric sat down quietly in the sand. "Oh, Father, where is she? Did she go back into the ocean?" "Not with two young pups," Jim answered. They didn't talk for a long time. Then, suddenly, Eric was on his feet. "I know a place with water in the sand dunes. Maybe she went there." "OK," Jim said. "Let's look there." ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ was on his feet let's look there بلند شد بیا یه نگاهی اونجا بندازیم 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                      💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 5 Eric arrived at the place first. Suddenly, he stopped. There, near the water, was the golden seal. She was frightened of the noise. She moved away into the water with her pups behind her. Eric sat down in the sand. "Don't be frightened," he said to her quietly. "It's only me." Jim was· behind him. He had his gun in his hand now. "Don't go near her," he said. "She's an animal and she's with her pups." "It's OK. She knows me." ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ away pup know دور توله شناختن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 6 Eric put some salmon in the water for the seal. The seal moved quickly. Suddenly, the salmon was in her mouth. Eric danced up and down. "Come here!" he called. "I have a lot of salmon for you." This time he didn't put the food in the water. He had the salmon in his open hand. The golden seal came to him and opened her mouth for the salmon. I can shoot the golden seal now, Jim thought. Then I can take the fur into town and get a lot of money for it. But what can I say to Eric? I know__ I was frightened for him, with the seal. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ shoot fur شلیک کردن خز ، پوست 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 7 But then Jim saw the big smile on his son's face and he put his gun back in his coat. I promised my son, Jim thought. I can never never never shoot that seal . The bear was old. He had a bad leg and his eyes weren't good. But he was strong and he wanted food. There weren't any rabbits because they were all in their homes, under the sand. They were frightened of the storm. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ bad leg his eyes weren't good پای زخمی / لنگ چشماش خوب نمی‌دید 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
                        💛 The Golden Seal 💛 chapter 4 part 8 But the bear smelled the man and boy. He walked quietly to the water and waited behind a sand dune. Suddenly, the sun came out and Jim saw the bear. It was very near them. His gun was in his hand again. Jim didn't make a noise. He put Eric's hand in his and slowly started to take him away from the sand dune. The bear didn't see them. But he managed to hear and smell them. He walked down the sand dune after them, and onto the beach. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ smell بوکشیدن ، بوییدن 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡