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"و هُم مِن السّاعةِ مُشفِقون" هدف عمل به وظیفه است... و یقین داریم آنچه میدانیم در مقابل آنچه نمیدانیم مثل قطره ای از اقیانوس است والله المستعان طلبه ای در قم محمد صالح مشفقی پور طالقانی👇 (https://eitaa.com/MoshfeghipourSaleh )
مشاهده در ایتا
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32 عدة ملاحظات ✅ وفقا لروایات الأئمة المعصوم
Several points ✅ In accordance with traditions (Ahadith) of The 14 infallibles, the and diseases are two different kinds: 1. Material causes (like some foods, bad habits,etc) 2. Immaterial causes(like committing some sins, etc) ✅ There are a lot of in that explain and express various types of medicines and different remedies and treatments. Naturally, mentioning these traditions in detail, requires competence and expertise in this regard. Hoping for a day to see the in world through the determination of moslems. ✅ In remedies maybe we can obtain and realize a from the traditions: "There is no (shifa) in forbidden substances (Haram)"🌹 (1) ✅ We're looking forward eagerly to a day that _that provide the and the felicity of people in this world and the next_ are performed in all over the world not just in the Islamic countries. (c) -------------------------- (1) al_Kafi\8\p:193 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐 https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32