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967 دنبال‌کننده
12.7هزار عکس
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ارتباط با مدیران: @s_mahdi_hoseini_sh @Ali_ka_za
مشاهده در ایتا
مدینه فاضله دامغان
❓استفتاء از فقیه عالیقدر، آیت الله العظمی وحید خراسانی از مراجع احیاگر شعائر فاطمیه پیرامون اقامه عز
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم علیکم السلام لا تعطل المجالس العزائية في الايام وينبغي اقامتها على اكمل وجه مع مراعاة وما يوصي به المتخصصون بهذا الشأن. الخامس من جمادى الاولى 1442 مکتب سماحة آيةالله العظمی الوحید الخراساني مد ظله العالي 🔰 In the Name Of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 🏴 السَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکِ أَیَّتُهَا الصِّدِّیقَةُ الشَّهِیدَة 🔻 Assalamu ‘alayki ayyat tuhas siddiqatush shaheedah After warm greetings to his eminence, the honorable marja’, grand ayatollah Wahid Khorasani (may God protect him) With regard to the upcoming occasion of Fatimiyyah (the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah peace be upon her), considering the current pandemic (COVID-19) in Iran and all over the world please kindly inform us about your valuable opinion on holding the commemorative mourning ceremonies of Fatimiyyah. What is our responsibility towards holding commemorative mourning ceremonies for the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah peace be upon her? Thank You A group of lecturers and those who hold Fatimiyyah ceremonies across the country Reply: ♨️ In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful ‘alaykum assalam must not be shut and stopped. Rather, it ought to be held and conducted in the best manner possible but with the consideration of all the health issues and what the experts in this area suggest. 20/ December/ 2020 The office of the Grand Ayatollah Al-Wahid Al-Khorasani