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مشاهده در ایتا
Ayatollah_Khamenei further assured his audience at the meeting and across the world that, “As long as the United States shows viciousness and savagery, the #Iranian nation will never cease shouting these words of ‘#Down_with_the_USA. .  We have no fight to pick with the #American_people. . Down with USA means #down_with_Trump, #Bolton, and #Pompeo @didehban313
: . His Eminence addressed the nation to elaborate on the popular revolutionary slogan by their counterparts and held: First of all, I am telling the Americans, ‘’ means , , and . It means down with the American politicians in charge, who are currently represented by the aforementioned persons. ‘Down with the USA’ means down with the few who are running that country. We have no fight to pick with the . @didehban313