Always say the right thing although it may lead to your loss.
همیشه حقیقت را بگو حتی اگر به ضرر تو تمام شود.
#right #loss:ضرر
#although:علیرغم اینکه
Although■ but
کلمه ربطی although به معنی ‘گرچه’ یا ‘با اینکه’ هست و دو عبارت که از لحاظ معنایی با هم در تضاد هستند رو به هم متصل میکنه.
⚠️ اشتباه رایجی که وجود داره اینه که but رو با although استفاده میکنن. هیچوقت اینکارو رو نکنید! (هرچند در زبان مادری شما کلمه ربط but استفاده بشه)
✔️Although it was expensive, I bought it.
با اینکه گرون بود ولی خریدمش.
BAD:❌ Although I enjoyed my stay in the USA, but I was still glad to come home.
GOOD:✅ Although I enjoyed my stay in the USA, I was still glad to come home.
BAD:❌ Although my wife loved her job, but she quit.
GOOD:✅ Although my wife loved her job, she quit.