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پیج فارسی: @roshangarii پیج اینستاگرام: https://www.instagram.com/enlightenment40/ پیج عربی: @altanwir40 ترجمه فارسی پستها فقط در کانال ایتا قرار میگیرد.
مشاهده در ایتا
WHAT IS #JIHAD? #Smiling in tough times, is Jihad. Keeping #patience in hard times, is Jihad. Struggling for #good deeds, is Jihad. Taking care of old #parents in a #respectful way, is Jihad. #Forgiving is Jihad. Jihad is not what #media shows, but what #Quran says. #MUSLIMS ARE NOT #TERRORISTS. #CNN #BBC #FOXNEWS #جهاد چیست؟ #لبخند زدن در سخت ترین شرایط زندگی ، جهاد است. #صبوری در دشوارترین مراحل حیات، نوعی جهاد است. جنگیدن جهت کسب #نیکی ها، جهاد است. مراقبت از #والدین سالخورده به نحو پسندیده و نیکو، نوعی جهاد است. #بخشش نیز پله ای از پلکان جهاد است. آنچه که #رسانه های جمعی به تصویر میکشند، قطعا جهاد نیست؛ آنچه که #قرآن کریم توصیف مینماید، جهادست. 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#Famous Non-Muslim views about #Prophet #Muhammed #GeorgeBernardShaw, the #English #playwright said “The world much in need of a man like #Muhammad’s bright thinking, such a man were to assume #leadership and rule of the #modern #world, he would succeed in solving its problems and bring #peace and #happiness to it” 💚 Happy #birthday to Prophet Muhammad 🍃💚 #quran #islam #muhmmad #ProphetMuhammad #muslim 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#Famous Non-Muslim views about #Prophet #Muhammed #MahatmaGhandi, the great #Indian leader said “After I finished reading the second part of the Biography of #Muhammad, I felt the need to know more about this great personality, he uncontested, won the #hearts of millions of people” 💚 Happy #birthday to Prophet #Muhammad 🍃💚 #quran #islam #muhmmad #ProphetMuhammad #muslim 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
"The #Quran is a book that builds #man. Place your reliance on the Quran. Get your #education from the supreme #teachings of #Islam. Islam builds the #human. It's what the foreigners and #superpowers fear." — #ImamKhomeini #Imam_Khomeini #Khomeini #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #News #IsraelIsTerrorist #USAlIsTerrorist #Trump #Lebanon #Yemen #Palestine #DonaldTrump #muslim #Iran #Religion #humanity 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
9.14M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎼 Morning I need a I feel the ... At last! Our first song about the Savior whom the whole world is awaiting. ‌ ‌ There is no night that never ends, although it may take a thousand years. Now that we have reached the darkest moments of the night, and people are more disillusioned than ever with clinging to self-made ropes, it is hoped that mankind will reach out towards the true morning, and the one whom God has chosen to save the earth at the end of the day will arrive. Yes, the morning is near. @VetrMusic 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
💚 When and come together.. No ruins will remain on the face of the planet, When that Just ruler governs the world, everywhere will become prosperous 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
💚 When and come together.. There will be no war in the world and even animals will make peace with each other, when twelfth imam (son of man) and Jesus Christ come together 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
17.08M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
💚 Soon, this cold and frozen world shall awake after thousands years of deep winter sleep, by spring-like steps of the savior of the world …And golden age of universal rule of justice based on high humanitarian standards shall be celebrated. 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃
How unique and unimaginable the connection of 32 teeths with brain. We have certainly created man in the best of stature; _95:04_ 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃