📸 "The believer considers their words carefully and guards their tongue."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #believer
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🎦 We're Just Getting Started! | Islamic Pulse's 10th Year Anniversary!!
By the grace and blessings of the Almighty Allah, 'We're Just Getting Started!"
And first and foremost, our salutations and greetings be upon the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A) and to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Master of the Age (A), Imam al-Mahdi - may Allah hasten his reappearance!
So, it's been a long and rocky journey since the 15th of Shaban 2015 - that's 10 years ago - when Islamic Pulse started its humble media adventure with the humble aim of clarifying, explaining, and spreading the Pure Muhammadan Islam all across the world.
And over the eventful years - and despite the ups and downs - our sincere team keeps on diversifying, our series and presenters keep on increasing, and our scope and horizons are wider than ever before; all thanks to the grace of the Almighty Allah.
So on this 15th Shaban 2025 - the 10 year anniversary of Islamic Pulse - we humbly bring forth a quick recap of what we've achieved through the last 10 years up to the present-day.
And the best part is - by the grace of Allah - "We're Just Getting Started!"
And remember, despite the dire times, it's our collective responsibility to hasten the reappearance of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), wherever you are!
#IslamicPulse #Anniversary #15Shaban #15thShaban #ImamMahdi #Mahdi #12Imams #12thImam #AwaitedSavior #TheAwaitedOne #AwaitedOne #Awaited #Wilayate #Imamate #Justice #Muslim #Shia #Truth #Revolution #Muhammad #IslamicRevolution #Islam #AhlulBayt #Quran #Allah #SoftWar #JihadTabyiin #12thImam #LastSavior #Imam #Wilayate #Imamate #Savior #SaviorOfHumanity #Freedom #IslamicAwareness #Khamenei #Khomeini #IslamicAwakening #Piety #EndOfTimes #Sacrifice #Honor #Qom #Qum #Resistance #ArrogantPowers #GlobalArrogance #MassMedia #AlternativeMedia
Duration: 07:24
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🎦 Shaheed Malcolm X and Resistance | IP Talk Show
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode, we're talking about "Shaheed Malcolm X and Resistance".
Who gave the title of Shaheed to Shaheed Malcolm X?
What are just a few examples of ethnic cleansing and cultural cleansing done by the colonialist powers, including America?
What is the fundamental rotten core of colonialism, Zionism, and the Arrogant Powers of the world?
What are two contributions by Shaheed Malcolm X in the United States of America?
And what holy place is the true melting pot of the world?
How has American neo-colonialism defined success when it comes to African Americans?
Is the cost of capitulation greater than the cost of resistance?
How can the student protestors in American universities be called a branch of the Resistance Axis?
What were Shaheed Malcolm X’s thoughts about Zionism and Palestine?
In order to answer these questions and more, we decided to invite Sayyid Agha Ali Raza to come and speak about "Shaheed Malcolm X and Resistance".
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #IP #Shaheed #Martyr #MalcolmX #CivilRights #HumanRights #Lynching #Racism #BLM #Justice #Truth #SocialEquality #Islam #Allah #Muhammad #AhlulBayt #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #Revolutionary #IslamicResistance #ArrogantPowers #SoftWar #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #Wilayah #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #HumanRights #Palestine #AlQuds #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #Arrogance #NBA #NFL #MassConsumerism #Domination #Imperialism #Capitalism #Colonialism #NeoColonialism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness
Duration: 53:00
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📸 "One whose greatest concern is fulfilling their own desires has the sweetness of faith wrested from their heart."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #faith #desires #Heart
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🎦 The Islamic Revolution's 46th Anniversary | IP Talk Show
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode, we're talking about "The Islamic Revolution's 46th Anniversary".
What two major points can summarize the overall philosophy of the Islamic Revolution?
Is there really anything that can be considered to be western culture in the present-day?
What does it mean when tens of millions of people come out on the 22nd of Bahman, the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution?
What are some of the ridiculous things that the mass media says about the people attending the 22nd of Bahman rallies in the Islamic Republic?
And what kind of people turn out to attend the 22nd of Bahman rallies; are they mere simple-minded people or are they highly educated professionals?
What is a fundamental difference between the Islamic Revolution's people-led governance and the hypocritical notion of democracy and populism in the West?
And finally, what does the exponential growth of the Islamic Republic in the last 46 years when compared to the 300 plus year history of countries like the U.S., Britain, or France, say about the system of Wilayah?
In order to answer these questions and more, we decided to invite Sayyid Agha Ali Raza to come and speak about "The Islamic Revolution's 46th Anniversary".
God bless the Islamic Revolution.
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #IP #Islam #Allah #Muhammad #AhlulBayt #IR46 #22Bahman #Anniversary #HumanRights #Justice #Truth #SocialEquality #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #Revolutionary #IslamicResistance #ArrogantPowers #SoftWar #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #Wilayah #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #HumanRights #Palestine #AlQuds #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #Arrogance #MassConsumerism #Domination #Imperialism #Capitalism #Colonialism #NeoColonialism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness
Duration: 56:35
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📸 "The believer only learns in order that they might know, and they only seek to know in order that they may act."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #believer
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📸 "Ramadhan is a month in which you have been invited by Allah."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #Ramadhan #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #Allah
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📸 "O' People! The Gates of Paradise remain opened in this month [of Ramadhan]."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #Ramadhan #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #Paradise
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📸 "Ramadhan is the month which invites you to be the guests of Allah and invites you to be one of those near to Allah."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #Allah
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📸 "Whosoever repeatedly recites 'Salawat' on me [in the month of Ramadhan], Allah will keep the scales of their deeds heavy, when on the Day of Judgement, the scales of others will be tending towards lightness."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #Allah #Salawat #DayOfJudgement
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📸 "Whosoever recites, in this month, only one 'Ayat' (verse of the holy Quran) they will be rewarded in a manner as if they had recited the full Quran, in other months."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #TheHolyQuran #HolyQuran #Quran
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📸 "O' People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires! Make it free by invoking Allah for forgiveness [in the month of Ramadhan]."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #Prophet #Hadith #HolyRamadhan #Ramadan #Ramadhan #Allah
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