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نوجوانان مدیران آینده این کشورند✌🏻🍃 نظراتتون رو به ما منتقل کنید :) http://payamenashenas.ir/javan__farda • • • پشت صحنه👀 @javab_nashenas
مشاهده در ایتا
Attacking a passenger means ! Two planes harassed an passenger plane in . Why is the world ? To understand how filthy politicians are, just Suppose it was the other way around. حمله به یعنی ! دو جنگنده ، در به هواپیمای مسافربری تعرض کردند. چرا جهان ساکت است؟ برای اینکه بفهمید سیاستمداران غرب چقدر کثیف هستند، فقط فرض کنید برعکس بود.. @javan_farda
For what crime was George Floyd killed? A hungry restaurant guard. The US government is giving its 45 million hungry people's (Trump's own statistics) money to Iranian mercenaries and traitors, and so on, to act against their own people and country. I wish the American people knew where their tax money and resources go. @javan_farda