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کانال بین‌المللی کوثر
2هزار دنبال‌کننده
89 عکس
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مطالب کانال برای استفاده‌ی کنشگران فضای مجازی در عرصه بین‌الملل تولید شده است و... ارتباط با ادمین و ارسال مطلب پیشنهادی @Maseiha110
مشاهده در ایتا
hypocrite, his tongue seems sweet in front of you, but his teeth are sharp behind your back! 위선자야, 네 앞에서는 그의 혀가 달콤해 보이는데 네 뒤에서는 날카로운 이빨을 가지고 있구나! Un hipócrita, su lengua parece dulce delante de ti, ¡pero sus dientes son afilados detrás de tu espalda @lnKowsar
Society is like a ship; if someone makes a hole in their own space, they will sink everyone. 사회는 배와 같아서 누군가가 자기 자리에 구멍을 뚫으면 모두가 가라앉을 것입니다. La sociedad sigue siendo como un barco, si alguien hace un agujero en su lugar, hundirá a todos. @lnKowsar
Be the person who every morning when your feet touch the ground, the devil says: Oh my god! He woke up again..! 😆 @lnKowsar
A review of the life of the commander of the? @lnKowsar
Be like a mountain to your family that they can lean on. Not like a valley that they are afraid to fall into! 가족이 의지할 수 있는 산과 같아라. 그들이 빠지는 것을 두려워하는 계곡이 되어서는 안 된다! Sé como una montaña en la que tu familia pueda apoyarse. ¡No como un valle en el que tenga miedo de caer! @lnKowsar
Forwarding a message that contains -deprecation is a weapon you put against the temple of your homeland... اسپانیایی👇 Reenviar un mensaje que contiene es un arma que usas contra el templo de tu patria... @lnKowsar
Social responsibility is not about making excuses and bothering about shoelaces, buttoning clothes, and sewing clothes, all of which are interference in people's freedom. Social responsibility is about service, not bothering. La responsabilidad social es algo más que poner excusas y preocuparse por los cordones de los zapatos y los botones y coser la ropa, que son todas intromisiones en el espacio de la libertad de las personas. La responsabilidad social es un servicio, no una molestia. @lnKowsar