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مطالب کانال برای استفاده‌ی کنشگران فضای مجازی در عرصه بین‌الملل تولید شده است و... ارتباط با ادمین و ارسال مطلب پیشنهادی @Maseiha110
مشاهده در ایتا
خـــــدای خوبم حس بودنت زیباترین حس دنیاست... تو ڪه باشی امروز ڪه نه، در تمام لحظه ها عشق و آرامش جاریست My good God The feeling of being with you is the most beautiful feeling in the world... If you are by my side, not just today but in all moments, love and peace flow. @lnKowsar
24.85M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎥Negotiations with America are like a duel 🔻Mohammad Delawari, journalist and documentary maker: Americans are not expecting friendly behavior from Iran, negotiations with America are like a duel that will be shot at you with a moment of carelessness. @lnKowsar
Look for God so He will open His hug to you. 하나님을 찾으십시오. 그러면 하나님께서 당신을 꼭 껴안아주시리라는 것을 알게 될 것입니다. Busca a Dios para que Él te abra su abrazo. @lnKowsar
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مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
What debts do with the first month's salary. 빚이 첫 달 급여에 어떤 영향을 미치는가. Qué hacen las deudas con el primer mes de sueldo 🍃 کاری که بدهکاری‌ها با حقوقِ اوّلِ ماه می‌کنه.😂 @lnKowsar
۰ The world is an open-shelf store. Let's buy things that will be useful to us when we leave this world. El mundo es una tienda de estanterías abiertas. Compremos cosas que nos sean útiles cuando dejemos este mundo. 🍃 دنیا فروشگاه قفسه بازه. جنسایی برداریم که وقتی پامونو از دنیا گذاشتیم بیرون به دردمون بخوره. @lnKowsar
🧕🇮🇷 Achievements and progress of women in the field of education after the Islamic Revolution 🔻 Membership in university faculty 3.33% 🔻 Attendance at medical universities 34% 🔻 56% increase in the number of female students 🔻 Eradication of illiteracy by 3.99% 🔻 28% increase in the ratio of female to male students @lnKowsar
خدای مهربانم  نورت را در وجودمان متجلی کن که سخت محتاج آنیم ... My merciful God, manifest your light in our beings, which we desperately need... @lnKowsar
Seeing the beauty of the world is an art! And of course it is a choice! You can curse the gray world under your breath, and you can open the door and see it's beauty... @lnKowsar
21.74M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🔴 How do you feel? Nothing! Interpretation of Imam Khomeini's famous interview... 🇮🇷 🔴 چه احساسی داری؟ هیچ. تفسیر مصاحبه معروف امام خمینی[ره] @lnKowsar
Enjoining good means doing something that people can see with their own eyes the true results of religion. If Muslims want to enjoin good, they should, for example, establish book publishing institutions, establish useful schools, establish hospitals, establish an orphan support agency and a charity organization for paralyzed children, so that people can see in practice that religion has saved their sick, ignorant, and orphans. @lnKowsar
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Before any fight, know your enemy! 싸움을 하기 전에 적을 알아야 합니다! Antes de cualquier pelea, conoce a tu enemigo! 🍃 قبل از هر مبارزه‌،‌دشمنت را بشناس! @lnKowsar
هر صبح همه چیز می‌تواند از نو شروع شود! آفتاب تنها به این دلیل طلوع می‌كند.. Every morning Everything can start anew! The sun rises for this reason only.. @lnKowsar