#Muharram is the month in which #Justice rose against injustice and Truth stood up against Falsehood and proved that, in the course of history, Truth has always Triumphed over Falsehood.
#BLM #US #USA #FOXNEWs #Trump #BBC #CNN #FOXNEWS #CBS #America #NewYorkTimes #nytimess #film #karbala #news #Humanity #Islam #Shia #Hussain #ImamHussain #WhoIsHussian #Muslim #Iran #Iraq #BLM #Khomeini #ImamKhomeini
As long as there is #occupation; peace is a #lie and #deception, for more #crime.
The last day of occupation
The first day of real peace.
#BLM #BBC #CNN #FOXNEWS #Justic #news #Humanity #Islam #shia #muslim #Europe #UK #Norway #Sweden #Finland #Denmark #Switzerland #Germany #France #I_love_mohammad #Muhammad #ProphetMuhammad #Love