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#ادیت از #انیمه ناروتو
if you are an uchiha first think you know is you're be ded soon
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Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen… Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses, causing relationships that cannot be separated. I want to sever the fate of this world. A world of only victors. A world of only peace. A world of only love. I will create such a world. I am…the ghost of the Uchihas. For truly this reality…is a hell. — Madara Uchiha
دوستان همیشه یادتون باشه
از اس کیو ال سرور متنفرم
شماهم متنفر باشید
و خصوصا ای اس پی
هیچی از ای اس پی بلد نیستم ولی رفع کردن ارور هاش تو خونمه