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روابط عمومی/مرکز خبر المصطفی
5.6هزار دنبال‌کننده
16.5هزار عکس
836 ویدیو
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📡 روابط عمومی/مرکز خبر المصطفی تنها مرجع رسمی اطلاع‌رسانی جامعةالمصطفی العالمیة پرتال رسمی المصطفی 🌐Miu.ac.ir پایگاه مرکز خبر المصطفی 🌐News.miu.ac.ir ارتباط با ما: مدیر: @alikhakriz 🌐
مشاهده در ایتا
روابط عمومی/مرکز خبر المصطفی
🔹 پیام نوروزی رئیس جامعةالمصطفی العالمیه ▫️حجت‌الاسلام والمسلمین دکتر عباسی با صدور پیامی آغاز سال
The Message of Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Dr. Abbasi on the Occasion of the Iranian New Year and Its Coincidence with the Arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadhan In The Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful ‏اللهم يا مقلب القلوب والأبصار ويا مدبر الليل والنهار ويا محوِّل الحول والأحوال حوِّل حالنا الى أحسن حال O One who changes the hearts and visions, O One who directs the night and the day, O One who changes situation and circumstances With praise and thanksgiving to the Creator and Creator of Existence, and greetings to the luminous souls of the prophets and divine saints, especially the Seal of the Messengers, Muhammad al-Mustafa (peace be upon him and his family), and salutations to the presence of the Master of the Age [Imam al-Mahdi], I congratulate all the believers, especially the large family of students of al-Mustafa International University, on the arrival of the new year, which coincides with the beginning of the holy Month of Ramadhan. The coincidence of the “spring of nature and the spring of the Qur’an” is an opportunity for freshness and vitality of the hearts and souls of the servants of God. Just as in the Supplication of the Spring Equinox, we read: يا محوِّل الحول والأحوال حوِّل حالنا الى أحسن حال O One who changes situation and circumstances In order for our hearts to become spring, in the Month of Ramadhan we also ask God to make our souls and souls godly and spiritual by His infinite grace. اللهم غيِّر سوء حالنا بحسن حالك O God, change our bad situation to a good situation The Month of Ramadhan is the spring of the Qur’an and worship and the month of opportunities, and it is appropriate that all the dear brothers and sisters in al-Mustafa International University, with their efforts and help from the lights of the word of God, take steps in the path of self-cultivation and self-improvement and approach to the source of all good things and commit themselves to strive on the path of the scholarly promotion of divine knowledge and explanation of the teachings of pure Islam and the discourse derived from it, that is, to prepare the discourse of the Islamic Revolution in the world arena. I invite myself and everyone, especially the dear students of al-Mustafa International University, to use as much as possible the spiritual blessings of the holy Month of Ramadhan and especially the Nights of Qadr, and to take advantage of these opportunities to consolidate and deepen our religious identity, revolutionary vision and seminary mission and in the year that has been named by the wise Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution as the Year of Inflation Control, Growth in Production, I wish everyone a year full of health, prosperity and well-being. اللهم عجّل لوليك الفرج وأجعلنا من أنصاره وأعوانه Oh God, please hasten the reappearance for us and help him and help those who help him! Ali Abbasi 🌐کانال روابط عمومی/مرکز خبر المصطفی 👇👇👇 https://eitaa.com/newsmiu