🎦 Imam Sajjad (A)'s Face Illuminates The Heavens | Nasheed
"Your forehead
is the Arsh of Allah."
"Your eyes
are an ocean
of modesty."
"Look and see,
in the arms of angels
is the son and life of Husayn (A)."
This and more in this Nasheed in ode to the birth anniversary of the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Sajjad (A).
And congratulations to the believers on the birth anniversary of Imam Sajjad (A).
Duration: 04:44
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📸 “That delusional, living in a fantasy person, announced that Iran has become weak; the future will show who has become weak."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #Iran #ZionistRegime #Regime #israel #Future
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🎦 The Resistance Will Remain | Imam Khamenei
What is the current condition of the Resistance?
Have the people and resistance of Gaza, won or have they lost?
What was the general opinion of the unbiased analysts across the world as to who would win the battle in Gaza?
And ultimately, what has the Resistance shown about itself?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, speaks about how "The Resistance Will Remain Alive".
Long live The Resistance.
Duration: 01:05
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📸 “Today, just like at the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, we are against the system of domination; we are against the domination of America."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #IslamicRevolution #system #domination #America #USA
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🎦 Has Iran Become Weak? | Imam Khamenei
How does Imam Khamenei describe the people that think Iran has become weak?
And what does Imam Khamenei say about the current condition of the Islamic Republic?
How is the case of Saddam and Ronald Reagan similar to the statements made by the enemies of the Islamic Republic in the present-day regarding the idea that Iran has become weak?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, answers the question "Has Iran Become Weak?".
Duration: 01:33
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📸 “The plan of colonialism is this; to deny your history, to deny your identity, [and] to deny your abilities."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #colonialism #History #identity #America #USA #ZionistRegime #israel
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