هدایت شده از انگلیسی🔰 شبکه بین المللی "من زینبی ام"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
📣 «إِلَهِی هَبْ لِی کَمَالَ الِانْقِطَاعِ إِلَیْکَ وَ أَنِرْ أَبْصَارَ قُلُوبِنَا بِضِیَاءِ نَظَرِهَا إِلَیْکَ، حَتَّى تَخِرَقَ أَبْصَارُ الْقُلُوبِ حُجُبَ النُّورِ، فَتَصِلَ إِلَى مَعْدِنِ الْعَظَمَهِ وَ تَصِیرَ أَرْوَاحُنَا مُعَلَّقَهً بِعِزِّ قُدْسِک»
"YA Allah! Give me the perfection of discontinuity towards You, and enlighten the eyes of our hearts with the ray of their looking towards You, so that the eyes of the hearts may tear the veils of light and reach the source of greatness, and our souls will be hung in glory of Your sanctity"
✅ Doa Sha'baniyah were issued by Imam Ali(as) and other infallibles (as) also recited it, so its words should not be considered superficial and slang. The above is one of the sensitive parts of this prayer and more attention should be paid to its sentence.
(Be continued)
هدایت شده از انگلیسی🔰 شبکه بین المللی "من زینبی ام"
📣 Be hopeful to Seyed Ali’s promises
Prophet Noah informed people about a huge storm
Ibrahim promised the defeat of pagans and annihilation of great Nimrod
Hazrat Moses promised jewish people freedom after 600 years captivity by pharaohs
Holy islam’s prophet promised conquering Kasra and Rome
Imam Kazem said: A man would arise from Qom and would overthrow taghoot
Imam Khomeini said: This revolution would win and Shah would go out
Our leader said: America could not do anything, and after all the commotion of military attack to Iran by America in some past decades, all people observed that it couldn’t do anything
It was said to Seyed Hasan Nasrollah: you would win against Israel, if you resisted, with God’s permission and this was acheived and Israel was defeated in 3 consecutive wars
🔸When he said:
Syria and Iraq would not fall and Daeish would be defeated and Bashar Asad would also remain and now, after some years, we all saw that they were true
🔸When he said:
We would improve in all dimensions and it was acheived
He addressed Saudi Arabia in attacking to Yemen: you surely would be defeated against Yemeni mujahedins.
and nowadays after about 7 years of Saudi aggression, all of you observe the the scandal of the defeat of the Saudi army and its coalition
🔸 and now he has openly stated some predictions for the future of Iran and regions:
👉Israel will not see the next 25 years.
👉Young people will see the America’s great defeat by their eyes.
👉Saudi Arabia will be conqured by mojahedins for the sake of God.
👉Iran will reach to great peaks of the world.
👉These promises are strange ones, and so great, they are not kind of strategic analysts predictions
✅These promises are kind of holy saints promises
✅and announce the future, the great and grand future for we iranians and muslim nations
✔️We should believe that these are divine promises which are said by this holy man
✅Imam Khamenei is one of the great saints of God
✔️There are financial problems, and God willing they will be resolved But a great resurrection is taking place
that this great man is saying and promising to us one by one
✅We should believe that news is on the way with God’s help
✅Don’t be afraid of the fuss of aliens around the country:
👉This country has an owner
✅We should believe that as Mr Seyed Ali has said
👉The enemy takes his last breaths
Spreading this message by revolutionaries and leader lovers powerful hand will make hope in the heart of whom have a little fear and will awaken good-tempered negligents
🍀🌸with leadership until reappearance
🌸🍀اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج🌸
هدایت شده از انگلیسی🔰 شبکه بین المللی "من زینبی ام"
🔴 A Vital test and Question
✅ Those who truely and in practice are an example for this verse of Ziyarah Ashura, would become at the service of Imam Mahdi(afj):
یا اَبا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، إِنِّی سِلْمٌ لِمَنْ سَالَمَكُمْ وَ حَرْبٌ لِمَنْ حَارَبَكُمْ إِلَى یَوْمِ الْقِیَامَةِ
"O Abu Abdullah, I make peace with those who make their peace with you and I make war with those who go to war against you, till the Day of Judgement"
❓Are you such that In your family and society???