🔶 #ایرانی ها در صفحه #نایک با دو جمله:
shame on you nike (شرم بر تو)
We just did it without you (ما انجامش دادیم اما بدون شما)
از #تحریم_ایران و #فوتبالیست های ایرانی، اعلام انزجار کردند
نایک مجبور شد صفحه خود را خصوصی کند.. ✌👊💪
#nike #usa #nike #america #Satan #football #iran @nike
👉 @roshangarii 🌹
هدایت شده از روشنگری انگلیسی
The #US is an #idiot.
#Satan and his offsprings are #ignorant.
They don't understand that in #Islam (Shiaa and Muslims), an assasinated #martyr is more effective than him being alive in the society.
If #Americans see the events of #Ashura, they would have understood that #Yazid also thought the movement would end by #ImamHussain's(A) murder.
He would not know that this is only a beginning.
Would have understood that an #innocent blood being shed would never die. It would be a beating #heart for history and would resuscitate the history and would never die out and would aflame day after day.
#CNN #BBC #FOXnews #News #USAlIsTerrorist #Iraq #Iran #Trump #Lebanon #DonaldTrump #Soleimani #Afghanistan #Emirate #SaudiArabia #WhoIsHussain #Hussian #shia #muslim
🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃