Call for papers The 2nd Conference on Transcendent Political philosophy The first conference, entitled Transcendent Policy from the Perspective of Transcendent philosophy, was held on January 22, 2009, focusing on the possibility of transcendent political philosophy. This idea is widely discussed in the scientific communities today, and the literature produced indicates that it has drawn the attention of elites and lovers of political philosophy and political thought. Postgraduate students' welcoming to carry out master's theses and PhD dissertations in the field of transcendent political philosophy requires continuing this movement in order to prepare political theories based on transcendent political philosophy. In this conference, the study and role of transcendent political philosophy in the production of political knowledge literature is emphasized more. In this regard, attention specially is paid to the theory of state and its efficiency and the impact of transcendent philosophy on political knowledge. Therefore, in addition to examining the effects of transcendental political wisdom on political theories, rival theories will also be evaluated based on transcendent political philosophy. Other objectives of the conference are empowering the topics of Islamic political philosophy; paying attention to the effectiveness of Islamic political philosophy; preparing political theories based on transcendent political philosophy; Examining the theory of the in power based on transcendent political philosophy; and finally, the critique and examination of popular literature and theories in political sciences. We hope that the second conference, which will be held in order to have a greater impact on the field of political sciences and in a specialized way, will complement the first conference and be a step forward. 1. An Examination and Critique of Government Theories from the Perspective of Transcendent Political Philosophy Ethical state, absolute state, philosophical state, jurisprudential state, mystical state, modern state, national state. 2. The Roles of state from the Perspective of Transcendent Political Philosophy Freedom, security, justice, power, law, war and peace, love and friendship, education, human rights, environment, progress, civilization. 3. The Ideal Government Theory from the Perspective of Transcendent Political Philosophy, The Capacities of Transcendent Political Philosophy to provide transcendent state Nature of state, role of state, goal of state. 4. The Experience of Governing in Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of Transcendent Political Philosophy Religious democracy, legitimacy, independence. 5. From Farabi to Contemporary Muslim Philosophers, Comparison of Government Theories from the Perspective of Schools of Islamic Political Philosophy State theory with the approach of Peripatetic political philosophy, State theory with the approach of political philosophy of illumination, State theory with the approach of transcendent political philosophy. Deadline for Abstracts Submission: October 31, 2020 Deadline for Full Papers Submission: December 20, 2020 Conference Email: Tel: +982531156851 +989127481913 Website for Abstracts and Full Papers Submission: ISC Registration No. 00200982880