مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#معرفی_کنفرانس @studiesofshia ❇️ فراخوان مقاله برای ششمین کنفرانس سالانۀ «فلسفۀ اسلامی» ❇️ Sixth A
Conference was initiated at Harvard University (April 2019) with participants coming from around the globe to present papers and engage in discussion over two days. The conferences are open to all interested scholars working on Islamic Philosophy and Theology. In addition to a general call for papers, conferences will include specialized panels organized by theme from 2023 to 2025.
We invite submissions of academic studies of scholars, methods, institutions, texts, and topics typically considered within the domain of philosophy, as well as those that treat kalam-theology, Islamic legal philosophy (usul al-fiqh), or other intellectual trends that at times may be seen as distinct from philosophy. Papers may be within specific disciplines (Philosophy, Islamic Theology, Religious Studies, etc.) or may be interdisciplinary. Active engagement with contemporary issues via the methods of various forms of Islamic philosophy is also welcomed and encouraged. It will be a hybrid conference, with some papers presented online via Zoom, and some in person on the Harvard campus.
Paper Proposals for the 6th Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference, December 6-8, 2024
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words--excluding bibliography--by October 15, 2024. [Late submissions may be considered if time permits.]
Submit to Abstract
مرجع تخصصی#مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
هدایت شده از تبلیغ بین المللی اسلام
18.77M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
#سیاستگذاری_فرهنگی #تبلیغ_بین_الملل
❇️ اسلام در دنیای دیجیتال؛ موضوعی که ۴ میلیون یورو خرج روی دست اتحادیه اروپا گذاشت!
ما شاهد ظهور چیزی هستیم که از جنبههای بسیار مهم اساساً یک دین جدید است. دیجیتالیشدن و جهانیشدن نه تنها بر عملکردها و سازمانهای اجتماعی و سیاسی، بلکه بر باورها و اعمال مذهبی نیز تأثیر گذاشته است. این رویکرد جدید، یادآور تأثیر دستگاه چاپ بر کلیسای کاتولیک در قرن شانزدهم و نقش آن در جنبش اصلاحات است. تأثیر نوآوریهای تکنولوژیک امروزی بر توسعه اسلام مستلزم ارزیابی فوری است.
💫این توضیح گرنتی است که شبکه آموزش نوآورانه(ITN) اتحادیه اروپا، برای اعطای بورسیه دکتری مکانیسمهای ارتباطات اسلامی در عصر دیجیتال قرار داده بود. اسلام در میانۀ عصر دیجیتال Mediating Islam in the Digital Age(MIDA)، نام این گرنت بینرشتهای است.
ادامه مطلب
مرجع تخصصی محتواهای #تبلیغ_بین_المللی_اسلام
❇️ نوکیشان مسلمان در بریتانیا و فراتر از آن: گذارها و تحولات
❇️ Muslim Converts in Britain and Beyond: Transitions and Transformations
🔹20 دی ماه 1403، دانشگاه کاردیف، بریتانیا
Date: January 09, 2025
Venue: Cardiff University, United Kingdom
🔸مهلت ارسال چکیده: 10 آبان 1403
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فراخوان_مقاله @studiesofshia ❇️ نوکیشان مسلمان در بریتانیا و فراتر از آن: گذارها و تحولات ❇️ Musl
The Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University & MBRN (Muslims in Britain Research Network) invite submissions for academic papers and professional contributions to a one-day conference about Muslim converts in Europe. This interdisciplinary conference is open to academic scholars, non-academic professionals and practitioners, and members of religious communities.
Conference Themes
We welcome contributions related to the following (non-exhaustive list of) themes:
Leadership and changemaking among Muslim converts
Second or third generation of converts
Intercultural integration
Conversion and Islamophobia
Conversion and social activism
Converts’ politics
Converts and (changing) religious authority
Converts’ long-term spiritual journeys
Evolved convert organisations
‘Race’, ethnicity and other dimensions of converts’ diversity
(Media) narratives on conversion
Conversion and da‘wah cultures
Other themes relevant to the conference questions
Submission guidelines
Please submit your abstract or description of your 15-minute presentation (300 words) addressing one or more of the conference questions, along with a short bio (50 words) using this online form: https://forms.office.com/e/bwKkwzHqDB
This call for papers will close on 31st October 2024. You will be notified of acceptance by mid-November 2024.
مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
❇️ یازدهمین کنفرانس IDHN: روشهای دیجیتال در مطالعات اسلامی و زبانشناسی
❇️ 11th IDHN Conference: Digital Methods in Islamicate Studies and Linguistics
🔹زمان: 21 نوامبر و بصورت آنلاین خواهد بود.
🔹Date:November 21, 2024
🔸مهلت ارسال چکیده: 11 اکتبر 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline:October 11, 2024
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فراخوان_مقاله @studiesofshia ❇️ یازدهمین کنفرانس IDHN: روشهای دیجیتال در مطالعات اسلامی و زبانش
Upcoming: 11th IDHN Conference on Thursday, November 21, 2024
If you wish to participate in the conference, please send an email to team@idhn.org with a preliminary title, abstract (150-300 words), and your academic affiliation by Friday, October 11, 2024.
General info:
The IDH Network holds a spring conference in April/May, a fall conference in October/November every year and occasional conferences dedicated to special topics. These conferences will be held online on ZOOM (an account is not necessary).
IDHN members will receive an invitation with the access code and link in the network’s newsletter. Guests can request an access code by sending an e-mail to registration@idhn.org.
In these conferences, our attendees will be able to share and discuss their research with the network. Presentations are typically 20 minutes with an extra 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
We encourage contributions from both members and guests developing or employing digital methods in their research within the Islamicate Studies and Linguistics. If you wish to contribute, please contact us at team@idhn.org. We welcome submissions from those in Graduate School or beyond.
مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
❇️ موقعیت دکترا در مطالعات اسلامی/خاورمیانه
One PhD position in Islamic/Middle Eastern Studies
گروه انسان شناسی اجتماعی و مطالعات فرهنگی (SACS)، دانشگاه برن، سوئیس
The Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (SACS), University of Bern, Switzerland
مهلت درخواست: 15 اکتبر 2024
Application Deadline: October 15, 2024
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
قرآن و جهان ترک: زمینه و تفسیر
The Qur’ān and the Turkic World: Context and Interpretation
تاریخ: 5 فوریه 2025, آنلاین
Date: February 5, 2025
Venue: Online
آخرین مهلت ارسال چکیده: 15 اکتبر 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فراخوان_مقاله @studiesofshia قرآن و جهان ترک: زمینه و تفسیر The Qur’ān and the Turkic World: Con
Themes and Questions of the Research
This research seeks to elucidate the following topics.
Transmission and Translation of the Qur’ānic Text among the Turkic World
Discuss the historical and linguistic aspects of the transmission and translation of the Qur’ān among Turkic countries, including tafsīr production.
Analyse the main challenges and opportunities of translating and interpreting the Qur’ān in different Turkic languages and dialects.
Compare and contrast the different styles, methods and approaches of translation and interpretation across the Turkic world.
The Qur’ān’s Impact on the Development of Islamic Culture and Identity in the Turkic States
Examine the ways in which the Qur’ān has shaped the political, social and cultural identities and institutions of the Turkic world.
Explore how the Qur’ān has interacted with other sources of authority and legitimacy, such as tribal traditions, customary laws, cultures and languages of the Turkic world.
Assess how the Qur’ān has fostered diversity and pluralism, as well as unity and solidarity, within and across the Turkic world.
The Qur’ānic Interpretive Methodology (Hermeneutics) and Frameworks in the Turkic World
Identify the main interpretive methodology and frameworks (classical, modern, Ḥanafī/Māturīdī/Ashʿarī/Salafi/Sūfī etc.) used to understand/interpret the Qur’ān in the Turkic world.
Discuss how different methodologies and frameworks have influenced various movements and trends of Islamic thought and practice among Turkic peoples.
Scrutinise the ways in which Turkic countries have generated legal judgements, ethical principles, theological doctrines, mystical perceptions, artistic expressions and political ideologies from the Qur’ān.
Compare and contrast the ways in which the Turkic world has adjusted and applied Qur’ānic teachings to particular historical and cultural backgrounds.
Consider the challenges and opportunities for renewed engagement with the Qur’ān in the Turkic world and how this can contribute to the development of Islamic thought and practice in the region.
Explore how the Qur’ān is approached in the face of modern issues such as migration, colonisation, modernisation, secularisation, nationalism, globalisation and democratisation.
Guidelines for Papers
Prospective participants are requested to submit: (a) A short abstract (300-500 words) that outlines the aims, relevant literature, methodology and original contribution of the paper; and (b) A brief biography (max. 200 words) that includes the author’s academic background and research interests.
مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
❇️ استادیار علوم دینی
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
🔹کالج بیتس، لویستون، مین، آمریکا
Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA
🔸تاریخ شروع: آگوست 2025
🔸مهلت درخواست: 8 اکتبر 2024
Starting Date: August 2025
Application Deadline: October 8, 2024
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
مطالعات شیعه در غرب
#فرصت_شغلی @studiesofshia ❇️ استادیار علوم دینی Assistant Professor of Religious Studies 🔹کالج بیت
Bates Department of Religious Studies seeks an assistant professor in Islamic Studies for a tenure-track position beginning in August 2025. Area of specialization is open. We envision a colleague who can contribute to the study of Islam in both local and global contexts and to Bates’ collective goals as reflected in the new “race, power, privilege, and colonialism” general education requirement. Given the interdisciplinary nature of Religious Studies, candidates are invited to think expansively and to share their thoughts about how their Religious Studies courses will contribute to Bates’ broader liberal arts curriculum, through, for example, the cross-listing of their courses with other academic units in the social sciences, humanities, and/or interdisciplinary studies.
Bates students come from a diversity of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, and we are committed to each student’s success. Thus, candidates may choose to share evidence of their skills and experience supporting a diverse student body. We seek a colleague who is committed to sustaining a strong and inclusive community of learning in our related fields. We encourage applications from individuals from historically marginalized groups and from those who may have followed non-traditional pathways to higher education due to societal, economic, or academic circumstances. Applicants may choose to describe the breadth of their teaching repertoire, including, for example, how they have worked with, or plan to work with, historically underrepresented, first-generation, and marginalized student populations.
Bates College is a residential liberal arts college in Lewiston, Maine—a diverse and growing community roughly 45 minutes from the state’s largest city, 2 ½ hours north of Boston, and 4 ½ hours south of Montreal. Faculty scholarship and creative work at Bates are robustly supported by start-up packages, internal grants, and a well-staffed external grants office. Community-engaged learning and study abroad are both broadly encouraged and supported; pedagogical development and innovation is further buttressed by a new Center of Inclusive Teaching and Learning.
Educational access and racial justice are central to Bates’ history and mission and our faculty-led initiatives reflect this commitment.
Ph.D. preferred; advanced ABD considered.
For full consideration, applications should be received by October 8, 2024 and should include the following:
> a cover letter (including an overview of research and classroom experience);
> a CV (including contact information for three referees); and
> a statement on pedagogical philosophy that describes how the applicant meets Bates’ standards of excellence in terms of inclusive and evidence-based pedagogy.
> Sample syllabi and brief (5000-20,000-word) writing samples are also welcome.
The search committee will request letters of recommendation from three referees for short-listed candidates. Employment is contingent upon successful completion of a background check and verification of degree.
مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب
❇️ کارگاه بین المللی «تولید دانش زنان در تفسیر قرآن»
International Workshop “Women’s Knowledge Production in Qur’anic Exegesis”
تاریخ: 10-11 نوامبر 2024
Date: November 10-11, 2024
مکان: دانشگاه هومبولت برلین، Unter den Linden 6، 10117 برلین، آلمان
Venue: Humboldt University of Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany
برگزارکننده: مؤسسه الهیات اسلامی برلین، کرسی مطالعات متن اسلامی (قرآن و حدیث)
Organizer: Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Chair of Islamic Textual Studies (Qur’an and Hadith)
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مرجع تخصصی #مطالعات_شیعه_در_غرب