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اسیرزمان شده ایم! مرکب شهادت ازافق می آیدتاسوارخویش رابه سفرابدی کربلاببرد اماواماندگان وادی حیرانی هنوزبین عقل وعشق جامانده اند اگراسیرزمان نشوی زمان شهادتت فراخواهدرسید. @tofirmo
مشاهده در ایتا
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ 34,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel.equivalent to 4 atomic bombs dropped on#Gaza.Utilities have been cut off. Food isn't allowed in; isreal are forced Palestinians to leave.Yet, they refuse to abandon their homes.True meaning of love for the homeland. اجازه ورود غذا نمی‌دهند، بلکه فلسطینی ها را ترک کنند! اما آنها خانه های خود را ترک نمی کنند معنی عشق به وطن همین است
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ Palestine has awakened nations and brought them together. The steadfastness of Western students for the first time in the past 50 years is incredible. Zionists are deeply concerned. Bravo to Western students for standing nobly against injustice. آفرین به دانشجویان غربی که شرافتمندانه در برابر بی عدالتی ایستادند.
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ Goodbyes in Gaza are heart-breaking. Witnessing scenes like these, especially for children, would be forbidden in horror movies. However, children in Gaza are accustomed to it. While the world remains silent, Israel continues its atrocities in Gaza. همزمان با سکوت دنیا اسرائیل در غزه درحال جنایت است
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ Goodbyes in Gaza are heart-breaking. Witnessing scenes like these, especially for children, would be forbidden in horror movies. However, children in Gaza are accustomed to it. While the world remains silent, Israel continues its atrocities in Gaza. همزمان با سکوت دنیا اسرائیل در غزه درحال جنایت است
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ A Palestinian mother bids farewell to her child, who was alive just hours ago but now lies lifeless under the rubble. This tragedy happens daily. Amid the shameful silence of Western leaders, a disaster is unfolding in Palestine. در سکوت شرم آور حاکمان غرب ، یک فاجعه در فلسطین درحال رخ دادن است
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ The explosives dropped on Gaza exceed three atomic bombs. This destruction aims to force them from their homes, but they choose to stand firm. This is their silent conversation with God amid the ruins. این تصویری از گفتگوی آنها با خداوند در میان ویرانه های خانه هایشان است
آقای تحلیلگر ✍️ The Mongols are infamous in history for burning books and causing destruction. Here is a university library. Zionists are burning books in Gaza. Today, the Mongols are no longer a power, and the Zionists will face the same fate. . امروز اثری از مغول ها به عنوان یک قدرت نیست سرنوشت صهیونیست ها هم همین خواهد بود