🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم در غدیر خم: ای مردم! من امامت را تا روز قیامت همچون میراثی گ
قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم فی غدیر خم:
مَعاشِرَالنّاسِ، إِنِّى أَدَعُها إِمامَةً وَ وِراثَةً (فى عَقِبى إِلى يَوْمِ الْقِيامَةِ)، وَقَدْ بَلَّغْتُ ما أُمِرتُ بِتَبْليغِهِ حُجَّةً عَلى كُلِّ حاضِرٍ وَغائبٍ وَ عَلى كُلِّ أَحَدٍ مِمَّنْ شَهِدَ أَوْلَمْ يَشْهَدْ، وُلِدَ أَوْلَمْ يُولَدْ، فَلْيُبَلِّغِ الْحاضِرُ الْغائِبَ وَالْوالِدُ الْوَلَدَ إِلى يَوْمِ الْقِيامَةِ.
<جزء من خطبة الغدير>
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم در غدیر خم: ای مردم! من امامت را تا روز قیامت همچون میراثی گ
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in Ghadir Khumm:
O people! Now, I leave to you, [as documentation], the issue of the Leadership, and the succession, and its perpetuation in my lineage until the Day of Resurrection; I have passed on to you what I have been said to disclose, so that it becomes as a clear argument for those who are present and those who are absent; for those-who are here or not here-and those who are born, or even not born. Thus, those present today, should make this news known to those who are absent, that is, fathers [should tell it to] their sons, until the Day the Resurrection rises!
<part of Ghadir sermon>
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