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🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
9 دنبال‌کننده
299 عکس
1 ویدیو
2 فایل
نشر با صلواتی بر محمد و آل محمد با نیت تعجیل در فرج امام غریبمان
مشاهده در ایتا
Sermon 182 Amir almuminin Imam Ali(A.S) Nahjul balagha "He will be wearing the amour of wisdom, which he will have secured with all its conditions, such as full attention towards it, (complete) knowledge of and exclusive devotion to it. For him, it is like a thing which he had lost and which he was then seeking, or a need which he was trying to fulfill. If Islam is in trouble, he will feel forlorn like a traveler and like a (tired) camel beating the end of its tail, with its neck flattened on the ground. He is the last of Allah's proofs and one of the vicegerents of His prophets." 🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿 سَلامٌ عَلی آلِ یاسین اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکَ یا داعیَ اللهِ وَ ربّانیَّ آیاتِه اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیکَ یا بابَ اللهِ وَ دیّانَ دینِه اَلسَّلامُ عَلیکَ یا خَلیفةَ اللهِ وَ ناصِرَ حَقِّه اَلسَّلامُ عَلیکَ یا حُجَّةَ اللهِ وَ دلیلَ إرادَتِه 1. Peace be upon the progeny of Prophet Muhammad; 2. Peace be upon you, 0 the caller of Allah and the omniscient of His signs and Verses; 3. Peace be upon you, O the door and path to Allah and the governor and regulator of His religion; 4. Peace be upon you, O the vicegerent of Allah and the helper of His truth and right; 5. Peace be upon you, O the proof and reason of His will; 🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺🌿 (a.s)
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم فی يوم الغدير: أنَّ عليَّ بن أَبي طالب ، أخي، و وصيّي و خَ
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in ghadir khumm: Ali ibn abi taleb's relation to me is as Aaron to Moses is, except for no other messengers will follow me. After God and His Messenger, Ali is going to be your Conserver, and God has sent down a Verse saying: ‘Verily, your Guardian is Only God, His Messenger and the believers who pray and pay alms while are bowing down,’ (The Table: 5/55). Surely it is Ali who did set up prayer, and while bowing [down to pray], paid out alms, and always sought the Will of Almighty God.” <part of ghadir sermon> 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 __________________________ @worldwide_community __________________________ 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 (a.s)
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیا و آله وسلم: خدایا وقتی تو ولی خود علی را به امامت برگزیدی و من آن را برا
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: “O Lord! When You Yourself appointed Ali as the Guardian, You sent down this Verse about him and announced: ‘Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my Blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as Religion for you; (The Table: 5/3). And also You stated: “In fact, religion in sight of God is Islam, (The Family of Imran: 3/9); You also stated: “And whoever chooses any religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be among the losers,’” (The Family of Imran 3/85). “O Lord! I take You as a Witness that I uttered people Your Command. <part of Ghadir sermon> 🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃 @worldwide_community 🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃 (a.s)
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم در غدیر خم: ای مردم! من امامت را تا روز قیامت همچون میراثی گ
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in Ghadir Khumm: O people! Now, I leave to you, [as documentation], the issue of the Leadership, and the succession, and its perpetuation in my lineage until the Day of Resurrection; I have passed on to you what I have been said to disclose, so that it becomes as a clear argument for those who are present and those who are absent; for those-who are here or not here-and those who are born, or even not born. Thus, those present today, should make this news known to those who are absent, that is, fathers [should tell it to] their sons, until the Day the Resurrection rises! <part of Ghadir sermon> 💫💫thanks for following our page and introducing to your friends💫💫 🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃 @worldwide_community 🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃🌼🍃