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🦋ادمین @soft88 ⁦♥️⁩روزی ۵ #صلوات به نیت سلامتی و ظهور امام زمان 💌 کانال لغت @Essential_English_Words 💌 آرشیو گرامر @Grammar_Archive گروه چت و رفع اشکال eitaa.com/joinchat/4007067660C220529a69d
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گروه چت و رفع اشکال eitaa.com/joinchat/4007067660C53e1dcc71d گنجینه لغات انگلیسی 👇 🌺 @Essential_English_Words
🎋That really looks good/great on you ---------- 🎋You look great in sth (dress) ---------- 🎋that really suits you ---------- 🎋That shirt really matches with these pants معنا: اون پیرهنه خیلی به این شلواره میخونه (میاد) ---------- 📌حرف اضافه اولی on و حرف اضافه دومی in 📌دقت کنید، سومی حرف اضافه نداره 🏡 @English_house 🏡👈👇
EXPLANATION FILE 🏡 @English_House 🏡👈👆
🔴 افشاگری رئیس جمهور بلاروس: Revelation of the President of Belarus: و حکومت پلیسی. & Police state 🏡 @English_House 🏡
برای توقف واردات تراریخته به ۵۰ هزار امضا نیاز داریم همه را دعوت کنید امضا کنند تا در صحن علنی مجلس مطرح شود. یا حسین https://www.farsnews.ir/my/c/35465 ۵۰ هزار امضا باید بشود
VOCABULARY • To be down in the dumps : to be discouraged, depressed, or sad. • To foil a plan : to spoil a plan; to cause it to fail. • To take time off : to take a break from one's employment or school. • To turn down : to refuse someone's request. • On the pretext of : a false reason used to explain why you are doing something. • A deadline : time something should be delivered. • To do without : to manage without something. • For the time being : for the present; until some other arrangement is made. • You’re kidding : You cannot be serious; I don't believe it; this can't be true. • To hit the ceiling : to explode in anger; to go crazy. • To step in : to become involved in a difficult situation, especially in order to correct it. • To put a stop to : to cause to end. • After all : used to add information that shows that what you have just said is true. • To crack the whip : to use your authority to make someone else behave better or work harder. 💚🔷💛🔷💚🔷💛🔷💚🔷💛
🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 GRAMMAR POLICE Usually, “police” is plural : • “The police are investigating the murder.” • “Police have arrested three suspects.” To talk about an individual member of the police, we can say policeman or policewoman - or the gender-neutral term police officer. 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸
این تقاص کدوم گناهِ... میگم کربلا ؛ میگن که راهها بسته‌ست... 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania I am looking at a photo in this photo. I see different things. I see green and white. I see a house, and I see some people. The sky is blue, and the trees are green. I want to know more about this place.I don't know anything about this place. The name of this photo is Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Tanzania is a country in Africa. It is in East Africa. I want to know more about this place.
چند تا کلمه دم دستی که دونستنشون برا مکالمه لازمه👇👇 🎋sneeze👉عطسه کردن ----- 🎋burp👉آروغ زدن🤭 ----- 🎋cough👉سرفه کردن ----- 🎋snort👉خرناس کشیدن، خرو پف کردن ----- 🎋yawn👉خمیازه کشیدن ----- 🎋hiccup👉سکسکه کردن ----- 🎋swallow👉 قورت دادن،بلعیدن ----- 🎋sob👉با هق هق گریه کردن ----- 🎋sigh👉آه کشیدن ----- 🎋chuckle👉با دهن بسته و پیش خود خندیدن ----- 🎋blink👉پلک زدن ----- 🎋shiver👉از ترس و هیجان به خود لرزیدن ----- 🎋sweat👉عرق کردن ----- 🎋chew👉جویدن ----- 🏡 @English_House 🏡