25.8M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🔹بخشی از سخنرانی حقیر در ایام فاطمیه در مرکز اسلامی انگلیس، لندن
💠 اینستا talabeh_couple
🌺 شعر یکی از رفقای ساکن انگلستان در باره شهید ابراهم هادی 🌺
🔹يا صديقي يا حبيبي دون قبرٍ هل ستبقى
يا شهيدي كيف آتي للزيارة كيف ألقى
كيف أقرا قل هو الله دون لحدٍ دون روضة
تبقى حسرة تبقى والله في فؤادي كيف ترضى
🔹يا أنيسي يا طبيبي أيُّ روحٍ هل ستشفع
يا رفيقي أين اراك للتهنئة يا أبا الأحرار
مرة أخرا أقيم الأذان لأراك فوق التراب
فزت فوزا فزت والله صلى عليك المصطفى
🔹یا صاحب كل سري يا سروري عند الشدة
يا عزيزي، نور عيوني باسمك أنسى البلاء
قل يا معلمي الحنين كيف أخلص قلبي لله
حتى أصبح مفقودا و تزورني الحوراء الزهراء
32.03M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🔘 این کلیپ کوتاه در مورد خواهران مسلمان هندی است که الآن برای مدتی به خاطر حجاب اسلامی، به محل تحصیل خود ممنوع الورود شده اند.
🔸 دوستان توجه داشته باشند که این قضیه مربوط به کل کشور هند نیست. اما، سیاستهای دولت فعلی فضای اسلام هراسی ایجاد کرده و هندو ها را به اذیت کردن مسلمانان را ترغیب می کند.
🔹 اگر اجازه داده شود یک مدرسه چنین قانونی تصویب کند - و صدای اعتراض بلند نشود - مدارس و مؤسسات دیگر نیز تشویق خواهند شد که این سیاست های ضد اسلامی را اجرا کنند.
🔸 مدتی هست که بعضی از این خواهران بزرگوار مشغول تظاهرات هستند... ولی سوال این است که بقیه امت اسلامی چه کار می کند؟
🔹 از دوست عزیزی که زحمت ترجمه را کشیدند سپاسگزارم. ایشان به شرط گمنام ماندن این زحمت را پذیرفتند. انشالله که روز قیامت با شهید ابراهیم هادی - شهیدی که عاشق گمنامی بود - محشور شوند.
Part 1 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 1◽️
▪️Part 1▪️
Part 2 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 1◽️
▪️Part 2▪️
Part 3 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 1◽️
▪️Part 3▪️
🌐 The Blessing of Travelling... and its Challenges 🌐
👇🏽Next post👇🏽
🌐 The Blessing of Travelling... and its Challenges 🌐
🌍 One of the natural results of travelling the world is becoming acquainted with different ways of thinking, living, and being. Different lifestyles, perspectives, and behaviours. This is extremely healthy as it opens one's mind. It challenges the ideas that you believe to be absolutely true. It makes you rethink the prejudices you unknowingly carry within. It provides a golden opportunity for self reflection and internal introspection. Maybe this is one of the reasons that travelling the world is encouraged in the Quran and the Narrations.
✈️ Alhamdulillah, I've been graced with opportunities to travel and see different countries. Having relatives in different parts of the world assists in this process! I've also been graced to know more than one language and learn languages to which I had no connection in the past; this has opened new worlds to me, worlds that I could never have known without learning the languages that preside over them.
🍁 However, while these are certainly huge blessings... they have also posed a very interesting challenge. And that is being able to relate to individuals whose world is extremely small and narrow. Individuals whose horizon stretches only to the extent of their mundane daily routines... yet have subconsciously come to believe that there is nothing that lies behind that horizon.
🤬They live with the thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and prejudices with which their society has filled them, believing those to be unchallengeable rules that govern existence. And anyone who breaks them, who doesn't fit in to their narrow vision of what the world is, is considered weird, strange, an outcast.
🙄 How do you relate to such individuals? Do you ignore the bright horizons and visions that you have been shown, pretending to be blind, only in order to fit in? Or do you speak about them, while risking being considered insane?
💁🏽♂ But one thing is for sure: while travelling the world physically certainly assists in opening one's mind, it is definitely not a prerequisite. I have been astounded to meet people who, while they may never have left their locality physically, carry within them immensely elevated ideas, free from unfounded assumptions and prejudices.
🚫 They reject many of the social norms and trends of thought which they are expected to follow, and dare to think for themselves. Being with such people is water to my soul, a soul that is thisty to find someone to whom it can converse freely and share ideas boldly.
☑️ It goes to show that what matters most is the internal journey, not the external one. These people stand as living proof that the inability to travel is not an impediment to having an open mind... and thus no human being can blame their social conditions for never making the journey to enlightenment.
16.01M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎞|نماهنگ بسیار زیبا
⚜همخوانی تلاوت قرآن کریم⚜
🏵بر اساس تلاوت ماندگار استاد شحات محمد انور
📖سوره مبارکه نساء آیات 135 و 136
📌صفحه ۱۰۰ قرآن کریم(عثمان طه)
🔸کاری از:
💠گروه تواشیح بین المللی تسنیم💠
📺مشاهده و دریافت نسخه باکیفیت:
Session 2 Part 1 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 2◽️
▪️Part 1▪️
Session 2 Part 2 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 2◽️
▪️Part 2▪️
Session 2 Part 3 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠
◽️Session 2◽️
▪️Part 3▪️