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🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
9 دنبال‌کننده
299 عکس
1 ویدیو
2 فایل
نشر با صلواتی بر محمد و آل محمد با نیت تعجیل در فرج امام غریبمان
مشاهده در ایتا
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: (To praise the Lord) He is Immortal, Alive, and is the Spreader of Justice; there is no deity but Him, the Wise Almighty. No eyes can see Him but he perceives all eyes; He is aware of the secrets [of men], and is informed of all things. No one can attribute Him by means of seeing, and no one can appreciate His Being by His concealment or manifestation, but only what the 'Glorified' wills us to know. Part of ghadir sermon ╔═══🍃🌸🍃═══╗ @worldwide_community ╚═══🍃🌸🍃═══╝