Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:
(To praise the Lord)
He is Immortal, Alive, and is the Spreader of Justice; there is no deity but Him, the Wise Almighty.
No eyes can see Him but he perceives all eyes; He is aware of the secrets [of men], and is informed of all things. No one can attribute Him by means of seeing, and no one can appreciate His Being by His concealment or manifestation, but only what the 'Glorified' wills us to know.
Part of ghadir sermon
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم فی يوم الغدير: أنَّ عليَّ بن أَبي طالب ، أخي، و وصيّي و خَ
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in ghadir khumm:
Ali ibn abi taleb's relation to me is as Aaron to Moses is, except for no other messengers will follow me. After God and His Messenger, Ali is going to be your Conserver, and God has sent down a Verse saying: ‘Verily, your Guardian is Only God, His Messenger and the believers who pray and pay alms while are bowing down,’ (The Table: 5/55). Surely it is Ali who did set up prayer, and while bowing [down to pray], paid out alms, and always sought the Will of Almighty God.”
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#Amir_almuminin (a.s)
🍃کلام گوهربار🍃
پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیه و آله وسلم در غدیر خم: به خدا قسم هیچکس نمیتواند باطن قرآن را برای شما ب
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said in ghadir khumm:
“O people! Do deeply reflect on the Holy Qur'an, and try to catch the Verses’ sense and comprehend, then try to observe the even Verses of its, but do not dazzle at resembled Verses. By God! Whatever is deeply rooted in it, and the true meaning and the sense of its cannot be well explained to man, except by this man that I am holding his hand high; now I announce that:
💫 ‘Whomsoever I am master to, so is this Ali to him master!’
And he is none but Ali, the son of Talib, my brother, my successor and my help, whose Leadership’s Decree, has been sent to me from God, Almighty.💫
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