حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 امیر همهی مؤمنان عالَم... ✳️ «نصری سلهب» مسیحی میگوید: 🔸 فکر نکنید
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢Amir al-Muminin Ali, the Master of all the Believers
✳️Nasri Salhab, a Christian, remarks:
🔸“Do not count me ill-informed; I have met many great men and saints but I say ‘Ali is not bound to one group, he belongs to all; time or place cannot limit him; he is the master of all the believers, both Christians, and Muslims.’”[1]
📜1. Fi Khoti Ali/Sur les pas de Ali, Nasri Salhab, page 341.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode two-April 15th 2021
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#nasrisalhab #nasri_salhab #imam_ali #ali
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 «امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه»؛ شجاعِ حق مدار ✳️ «نصری سلهب» مسیحی میگو
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢Amir al-Muminin Ali (A.S) was a Courageous High-Minded Man
✳️Nasri Salhab, a Christian, remarks:
🔸“It is very wrong to say Amir al-Muminin Ali was merely a strong and courageous warrior that defeated many fighters; he was brave because he stood against wrongs, falsities, and exploitations. Ali ibn abi Talib utilized his power for defending the unfortunates, and stopping exploitation, falsehood, and corruption; not for the benefit of his people, tribe, or family.”[1]
📜1. Fi Khoti Ali/Sur les pas de Ali, Nasri Salhab, page 291.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode two-April 15th 2021
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه؛ امامی برای همهی عالم ✳️ «جوزف هاشم» وزیر
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢Amir al-Muminin Ali (A.S) is a Guide for the Whole World
✳️Joseph Hashim al-Hashim, a Christian Lebanese minister and poet, comments on the eminence of Ali ibn abi Talib:
🔸“This great and valiant guide and warrior is not confined to the Muslims.
Amir al-Muminin Ali is not limited to his Shia children.”[1]
📜1. Alawyaat: Qasa’id min Wahy al-Imam Ali (Arabic), Joseph al-Hashim, page 106.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode two-April 15th 2021
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#josephhashim #josefhashim #josephalhashim #joseph_al_hashim #josef_al_hashim #joseph_hashim_al_hashim
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#warrior #valiant #gallant
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه؛ علاجِ روحِ فقرا ✳️ ادیب برجستهی مسیحی «رو
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 Amir al-Muminin Ali (A), a Relief for the Poor
✳️ Prominent Christian man of letters, Rocks bin Zaid al-Uzaizi, remarks:
🔸 “I do not say Ali ibn abi Talib abolished poverty in the world, but I can say he healed the souls of the poor. When the poor saw that their leader shares their conditions, that the head of the community does not prefer his friends to them, they endured the bitterness and pain of poverty.” [1]
Amir al-Muminin Ali healed the souls of the poor.
📜 1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 101.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode three-April 16th 2021
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#rocks_aluzaizi #rukus_bin_zayid #rocks_bin_zaid #rocksbinzaidaluzaizi
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#guide #leader #master
#healing #curing #relief
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه؛ علاجِ روحِ فقرا ✳️ عجیب است که موضوع طولان
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 The Longest Arabic Qasida
✳️ Interestingly, the theme and topic of the longest Arabic qasida is the life and praise of Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) written by a Christian poet. The name of the poem is “al-Qasida al-Alawya al-Mubaraka” written by Abd al-Masih al-Antaki (d. 1922). It is about 5600 couplets.
🔸 A number of Arab literary historians verified that this poem is the longest Arabic Qasida ever written.[1]
📜 1. Glossary of Poets From the Beginning of the Resistance (Arabic), Emil Badi’ Yaqub, vol. 2, page 766.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode three-April 16th 2021
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#josephhashim #josephalhashim #joseph_alhashim
#christian #christianity
#poem #poetry #literature #qasida
#abdalmasihalantaki #abd_almasih_alantaki
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 تشنگان آسمان با تو سیراب میشوند... ✳️ برخی مسیحیان وقتی به امیرالمؤمنین
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢Ali ibn abi Talib, Divine and Celestial
✳️Some Christians are shocked when they see the greatness of Amir al-Muminin Ali (A).
Prominent Christian man of letters, Nasri Salhab, addresses Amir al-Muminin Ali:
🔸“I have sought the reason of your immortality for long; the answer was not found on earth, you are divine . . . When we feel a yearning for heavens we turn to you.”[1]
📜1. Fi Khoti Ali/Sur les pas de Ali, Nasri Salhab, pages 27&30.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode three-April 16th 2021
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#christian #christianity
#poem #poetry #literature
#nasrisalhab #nasri_salhab
#yearning #thirst #heavens #sky
#mahe_man #maheman
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 زندگی حاکمِ جامعه اسلامی ✳️ اینطور نیست که حال که حاکم شدیم، مسئول شدیم،
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 The Lifestyle of the Ruler of the Islamic Community
✳️ One is not supposed to plunge into leisure and ease when he/she becomes a governor or minister. Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) states:
🔸 ”God has chosen me as the leader for his followers and obliged me to adjust myself, my food, and my clothing to the poorest of the people so that the deprived find solace in my poverty and the wealth of the rich does not cause them to revolt.”[1]
📜 1. al-Kafi, vol. 1, page 410.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#lifestyle #life #ruler #leader
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 زمینیان لیاقت تو را نداشتند... ✳️ «نَصری سَلهَب» مسیحی در مورد امیرالمؤم
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 People did not Deserve Amir al-Muminin Ali (A.S)
✳️ The Christian Nasri Salhab addresses Ali ibn abi Talib:
🔸 “People proved that they did not deserve you because when they turned away from you it meant that they preferred darkness to light, uncleanness to purity, deception to honesty, cowering to courage, and falsehood and lie to truth and dignity . . . [1]
📜 1. Fi Khoti Ali/Sur les pas de Ali, Nasri Salhab, pages 296-7.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#nasrisalhab #nasri_salhab
#christian #christianity
#worth #deserving #deserve
#mahe_man #maheman
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 یک نفر عینِ علی میرسد از راه آخر... ✳️ اگر میخواهیم خیلی برای ظهور حضر
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 At Last One Will Arrive Who is Alike Ali ibn abi Talib
✳️ If we want to seriously prepare for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (A), we need to see how much we are willing to give up Dunya and materialistic things because abstinence [Zohd] means not to have worldly desires; it does not mean living in poverty.
🔸 Imam Sadiq (A) states: “When Imam Asr (A) arrives, he will wear coarse clothing as did Amir al-Muminin Ali and will follow his manners and lifestyle. [1]
📜 1. al-Kafi, vol. 1, page 441.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#imamzaman #imamasr #imammahdi #imam_mahdi #imam_zaman #imam_asr
#mahe_man #maheman
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 همه در حیرتِ امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه ✳️ ادیب و متفکر مسیحی «روکس بن
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞#textography #poster
💢 Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) Was Exceptional
✳️ The Christian man of letters, Rocks bin Zaid, writes:
🔸“How can I explain?
How can humans explain?
How can the kings explain that the ruler of the Islamic empire had to sell his sword to be able to buy clothing?!”[1]
📜1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 39.
📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#rocks_aluzaizi #rukus_bin_zayid #rocks_bin_zaid #rocksbinzaidaluzaizi
#christian #christianity
#islamicworld #islamicempire #ruler
#sword #clothing
#mahe_man #maheman
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 لباس پر از وصله حاکم امپراطوری اسلام ✳️ ادیب و متفکر مسیحی «روکس بن زائد
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 Numerous Stitches and Patches on the Ruler’s Cloth
✳️ The Christian man of letters and thinker, Rocks bin Zaid, writes about Amir al-Muminin Ali (A):
🔸 That great man and prominent leader, that saint of Islam and lion of God mended his cloth so many times that he said: ‘I cannot expect the tailer to be able to add any more stitches or patches to it.’”[1]
📜 1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 39.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#rocks_aluzaizi #rukus_bin_zayid #rocks_bin_zaid #rocksbinzaidaluzaizi
#christian #christianity
#islam #islamicworld #islamicempire #ruler
#shirt #clothing #cloth
#mahe_man #maheman
#hamed_kashani #hamedkashani #kashani #hkashani
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حامد کاشانی
┈┅ ❁ـ﷽ـ❁ ┅┈ 🏞 #عکس_نوشت 💢 تواضع حیرت انگیزِ امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الله علیه ✳️ امیرالمؤمنین صلوات الل
❁In the Name of God❁
🏞 #textography #poster
💢 Amir al-Muminin Ali’s (A) Unbelievable Modesty
✳️ Amir al-Muminin Ali ibn abi Talib was the ruler. When he was in the bazaar and saw workers moving or loading packages and bundles, he helped them and carried the load.[1]
🔸 The workers were paid by another person to do the job.
📜 1. Fada’il al-Sahaba, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, vol. 2, page 621.
📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021
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#modesty #humbleness
#package #cargo #bundle
#help #aid
#mahe_man #maheman
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