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مشاهده در ایتا
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Amir al-Muminin Ali (A), a Relief for the Poor ✳️ Prominent Christian man of letters, Rocks bin Zaid al-Uzaizi, remarks: 🔸 “I do not say Ali ibn abi Talib abolished poverty in the world, but I can say he healed the souls of the poor. When the poor saw that their leader shares their conditions, that the head of the community does not prefer his friends to them, they endured the bitterness and pain of poverty.” [1] Amir al-Muminin Ali healed the souls of the poor. 📜 1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 101. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode three-April 16th 2021 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 The Great Responsibility of the Officials ✳️ If the office-holders would be abstinent, they encourage others to ignore worldly desires; if they would be greedy and materialistic, people will follow their example. 🔸 The Christian Rocks bin Zaid explains about Ali ibn abi Talib’s abstinence [Zohd]: “Except for Syria, the rest of the Islamic world, the prominent empire of the time, was under the rule of Amir al-Muminin Ali (A). Nevertheless, when he passed away all he had was 800 Dirhams. He used to share his properties and give his money to the poor and the destitute.”[1] 📜 1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 38. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Amir al-Muminin Ali (A) Was Exceptional ✳️ The Christian man of letters, Rocks bin Zaid, writes: 🔸“How can I explain? How can humans explain? How can the kings explain that the ruler of the Islamic empire had to sell his sword to be able to buy clothing?!”[1] 📜1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 39. 📌From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com
❁In the Name of God❁ 🏞 💢 Numerous Stitches and Patches on the Ruler’s Cloth ✳️ The Christian man of letters and thinker, Rocks bin Zaid, writes about Amir al-Muminin Ali (A): 🔸 That great man and prominent leader, that saint of Islam and lion of God mended his cloth so many times that he said: ‘I cannot expect the tailer to be able to add any more stitches or patches to it.’”[1] 📜 1. Ali: The Lion and the Saint of Islam (Arabic), page 39. 📌 From Mahe Man TV show-episode four-April 17th 2021 🆔 ble.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 rubika.ir/kashani1395/ 🆔 eitaa.com/kashani1395/ 🆔 telegram.me/kashani1395/ 🆔 instagram.com/hkashani_com/ 🌐 www.hkashani.com