Social responsibility is not about making excuses and bothering about shoelaces, buttoning clothes, and sewing clothes, all of which are interference in people's freedom. Social responsibility is about service, not bothering.
La responsabilidad social es algo más que poner excusas y preocuparse por los cordones de los zapatos y los botones y coser la ropa, que son todas intromisiones en el espacio de la libertad de las personas. La responsabilidad social es un servicio, no una molestia.
🏷 #Said
The work of sexual freedom reached a point where US President Kennedy said: "Six out of every seven young men who enlist in the military in America are incompetent and weak-willed, and in my opinion the cause of this misery is the excess of lust, which has diminished their physical and mental talents."
📚 The Face of Western Civilization, p. 61
🏷 #گفت
کارِ آزادی جنسی به جایی رسید که کندی رئیسجمهور آمریکا میگوید: «از هر هفت جوانی که در امریکا به سربازی میرود شش نفرشان نالایق و سست عنصر هستند و به نظر من علت این فلاکت، افراط در شهوترانی است که استعدادهای بدنی و روانی آنها را کاسته است.»
📚 سیمای تمدن غرب، ص۶۱
🌍The beauties of southern Iran
🌍 이란 남부의 아름다움 중 하나
🌍 Una de las bellezas del sur de Irán
🌍 از زیبایی های جنوب ایران
"Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong" is the injection of pure blood into the body of society.
"선을 명령하고 악을 금지하는 것"은 사회의 몸에 순수한 피를 주입하는 것입니다.
“Ordenar lo que es correcto y prohibir lo que es incorrecto” es la inyección de sangre pura en el cuerpo de la sociedad.
«امر به معروف و نهی از منکر» تزریق خونِ پاک در بدنِ جامعه است.
🏷 #Said
The most powerful person is the one who has the power to "own himself", even if he does not own anything in this world.
Conversely, if someone owns the whole world, but is deprived of ownership of himself, such a person should be considered the most powerless person.
✍️ Allama Muhammad Taqi Jafari
📖 Imam Hussain Shahid , Culture that advances humanity, p. 165
13.25M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
🖌 When you are poor, trade with God by giving charity.
📗 Nahjul-Balagha, Wisdom 258
이맘 알리(평화가 그에게 있기를)
🖌 가난할 때는 자선을 베푸는 것으로 신과 거래하세요.
📗 나흐줄-발라가, 지혜 258
Imam Ali (la paz sea con él)
🖌 Cuando seas pobre, haz negocios con Dios dando caridad.
📗 Nahjul-Balagha, Sabiduría 258
People, step aside, you and your promises will fail!
You better appreciate the vote of your people...
사람들이여, 물러나세요, 당신과 당신의 약속은 실패할 것입니다!
당신은 당신 국민의 투표를 감사하는 게 낫습니다...
¡Pueblo, apártense, ustedes y sus promesas fracasarán!
Más vale que aprecien el voto de su pueblo...
An ugly man was standing in front of a mirror and saying, "Thank God for making me so beautiful!" His slave was beside him and was listening to his words; when he came out, they asked him, "What is your master doing?" He said, "He is sitting at home and telling lies about God!"
مردی زشترو جلوی آینه ایستاده بود و میگفت: «خدا را شکر که مرا این قدر زیبا آفرید!» غلامش در کنار او بود و سخنانش را میشنید؛ وقتی بیرون آمد، از او پرسیدند: «صاحبت چه میکند؟» گفت: «در خانه نشسته و بر خدا دروغ میبندد!»
11.5M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🌷Imam Ali (peace be upon him):
✍️ He who is not patient with the hardship of business must endure the hardship of poverty
📗 Gharr al-Hakam, Hadith 8987
🌷 이맘 알리(평화가 그에게 있기를):
✍️ 사업의 어려움에 인내심이 없는 사람은 빈곤의 어려움을 견뎌내야 합니다
📗 가르 알-하캄, 하디스 8987
🌷 Imam Ali (la paz sea con él):
✍️ Quien no es paciente con las dificultades de los negocios debe soportar las dificultades de la pobreza
📗 Gharar al-Hakam, Hadith 8987
🏷 #said
Americans are more skilled at ten-minute romances than any other nation!
👤 Sir Stephen Spender
미국인들은 다른 어느 나라보다 10분짜리 로맨스에 더 능숙합니다!
👤 스티븐 스펜더 경
¡Los estadounidenses son más hábiles para los romances de diez minutos que cualquier otra nación!
👤 Sir Stephen Spender
🏷 #گفت
مهارتِ آمریکاییها در عشقهای ده دقیقهای بیش از هر ملّتِ دیگری است!
👤 سر استیون اسپندر
29.14M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
Social responsibility is not about making excuses and bothering about shoelaces, buttoning clothes, and sewing clothes, all of which are interference in people's freedom. Social responsibility is about service, not bothering.
La responsabilidad social es algo más que poner excusas y preocuparse por los cordones de los zapatos y los botones y coser la ropa, que son todas intromisiones en el espacio de la libertad de las personas. La responsabilidad social es un servicio, no una molestia.